Now this might seem like a totally off the wall post, but fuck it, I'm gonna post it anyways.
In a world full of vaccinated blood that kills people (no shit, here is just one story: ) One thing you can do to save other unvaccinated people going in for procedures is to make sure they are getting your blood instead of tainted blood.
If that isn't enough of a reason to get to the blood bank, let me give you one more reason: In a world of PFAS forever chemicals, microplastics, and contaminated water supplies, your blood gets clogged up with this shit over time. If you give blood, your body has to manufacture new plasma, blood cells, etc. When your body does this, it is creating a more pure supply in your own body than what you started with before you gave blood.
These things are filtered out of your donation before being given to patients. This has been directly observed in scientific studies of firefighters:
So. Help your neighbor. Help yourself. As a lapsed Catholic who is slowly coming around again to God I might even mention that there are some teachings that mention "love they neighbor," and that giving your blood so that others might live is about one of the most selfless acts you can do, if the enlightened self interest of getting cleaner blood isn't enough for you.
I leave you with one final thought on faith and self passed on to me from someone who was far smarter than I am:
"Pray as if all depends on God. Work as if all depends on you."
Um, the case you are talking about, the parents wanted unvexxed blood for their baby and the docs refused so then they wanted to use their baby's own unvexxed blood or their own but the docs/authorities refused and it turned into a court battle, which the parents lost- then the docs did what they wanted and the baby died--not because unvexxed blood was not available, but because the doctors and facility and court decided to use that baby to enforce their opinions and exhert control over us. These people are not your friends- they are there to make money and build up their practices and maintain their industry/source of income.
The Amish undergo operations without transfusions AND have a better survival rate. Transfusion= another deception to pollute our blood.
Blood contains the dna/life and disease cells and impurities of everything a person has been exposed to. It is not good to swap blood so a transfusion is an added factor that may adversely affect a person's survival, and result in getting or giving a disease the person didnt previously have.