Rolling Stone/ADL hit-piece on PW yesterday. The focus? Angry calls to violence and other "J6-style rhetoric." Their hit piece on GAW? Something about The Beatles. Pathetic, they had nothing on us! This is why we mod GAW the way we do. PW tolerates retard fuckwits. WE DON'T!
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GAW mods are good at what they do. Ive only had a couple short bans/time outs, but they were acceptable to me.
I get it. A lot of douche bags running through here, so do not exacerbate their focus on someone like me that should know better.
So, in short, if you like the forum?
Do not make the moderator's job harder by posting really stupid crap!
Having said that?
Now, most likely, within the next few weeks, i will post something stupid.
Sorry mod's!