The charges will likely stick, not because they are credible, but because the Uni-party has rigged the justice system. They had it all planned out prior to the 2020 election. That's why so many "republican" pundits, and politicians immediately came out in support of the obviously rigged election, and chastised anyone who dared try to raise legitimate concerns about the legitimacy of that election. Party insiders have been working to undermine Trump since before he was elected in 2016.
Remember Jeb! Bush? Remember his cousin Billy Bush who released the "pussy grab" video to try to end Trump's presidential run, and elect Hillary Rodham Clinton as president of the USA? Ya, those political insiders- Bush nazis+Democrat commies- allies. Fascist allies.
They didn't go away. And, Trump failed to obliterate them when he had the chance. Now we need a "hail Mary" pass to get Trump back in office, and save this nation, even though he is clearly the people's choice for president.
The charges will likely stick, not because they are credible, but because the Uni-party has rigged the justice system. They had it all planned out prior to the 2020 election. That's why so many "republican" pundits, and politicians immediately came out in support of the obviously rigged election, and chastised anyone who dared try to raise legitimate concerns about the legitimacy of that election. Party insiders have been working to undermine Trump since before he was elected in 2016.
Remember Jeb! Bush? Remember his cousin Billy Bush who released the "pussy grab" video to try to end Trump's presidential run, and elect Hillary Rodham Clinton as president of the USA? Ya, those political insiders- Bush nazis+Democrat commies- allies. Fascist allies.
They didn't go away. And, Trump failed to obliterate them when he had the chance. Now we need a "hail Mary" pass to get Trump back in office, and save this nation, even though he is clearly the people's choice for president.