TGP is now recognizing the demonic behavior of transsexuals. I posted a write-up HERE and HERE discussing the very obvious demonic influence characterized by transsexuals. Most notably, their abject hatred of Christians.
The "Bible" of psychiatry is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Note first, it does not say "mental disease" or "mental illness", because there is no such thing as either of these. No mental diseases!!! No one is "mentally ill"! Though, for sure, plenty of people are seriously or not so seriously mentally disordered. Psychiatrists, being physicians, KNOW there are no mental diseases, but they have constructed the House Of Cards: Psychiatry. They have the most power of anyone in America: They can have you locked up on their say-so. They have power but are complete charlatans, liars and abusers of their clients, in that 99.9 percent of them do little but prescribe mind damaging psychotropic medications to their patients. These drugs NEVER cure anyone of anything, and there is such a thing as the drug cascade, which demonstrates that given one drug, another is needed to cover the side effects of the first, and then another is needed for the side effects of the second, on and on to maybe ten or twelve meds which themselves NEVER cure anything. Is grandma on twelve meds, and no one knows why? THIS is why. So before going to the psychiatrist, you might want to look into natural ways to help with whatever symptoms you are having. Most can be corrected with nutrition. NO, ALL can be corrected with proper nutrition.That is my rant for today. I am right!
I have been quite mentally ill in my early years, it does exist and to say it doesn't based on the definitions of descriptions is not helping anyone.
At best psychiatry is guesswork and to say that nutrition is the answer to all and every mental disorder is very disordered thinking and certainly isn't helping as its nonsense.
Its been found that (in the UK at least) that having the sufferers do work such as gardening, woodwork, upholstery and art is very constructive, done in the milieu of a hospital and other establishments.
But then the hospitals were closed for no good reason at all (property developers?) and the care in the community wankers had to start gardening and woodwork workshops at a greater costs than it was done in the hospitals.
TGP is now recognizing the demonic behavior of transsexuals. I posted a write-up HERE and HERE discussing the very obvious demonic influence characterized by transsexuals. Most notably, their abject hatred of Christians.
The "Bible" of psychiatry is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Note first, it does not say "mental disease" or "mental illness", because there is no such thing as either of these. No mental diseases!!! No one is "mentally ill"! Though, for sure, plenty of people are seriously or not so seriously mentally disordered. Psychiatrists, being physicians, KNOW there are no mental diseases, but they have constructed the House Of Cards: Psychiatry. They have the most power of anyone in America: They can have you locked up on their say-so. They have power but are complete charlatans, liars and abusers of their clients, in that 99.9 percent of them do little but prescribe mind damaging psychotropic medications to their patients. These drugs NEVER cure anyone of anything, and there is such a thing as the drug cascade, which demonstrates that given one drug, another is needed to cover the side effects of the first, and then another is needed for the side effects of the second, on and on to maybe ten or twelve meds which themselves NEVER cure anything. Is grandma on twelve meds, and no one knows why? THIS is why. So before going to the psychiatrist, you might want to look into natural ways to help with whatever symptoms you are having. Most can be corrected with nutrition. NO, ALL can be corrected with proper nutrition.That is my rant for today. I am right!
I have been quite mentally ill in my early years, it does exist and to say it doesn't based on the definitions of descriptions is not helping anyone.
At best psychiatry is guesswork and to say that nutrition is the answer to all and every mental disorder is very disordered thinking and certainly isn't helping as its nonsense.
Its been found that (in the UK at least) that having the sufferers do work such as gardening, woodwork, upholstery and art is very constructive, done in the milieu of a hospital and other establishments.
But then the hospitals were closed for no good reason at all (property developers?) and the care in the community wankers had to start gardening and woodwork workshops at a greater costs than it was done in the hospitals.
I agree with you 100%. It's absolutely true. Psychiatry is not science. It is a fraud, just as virology is.