Not a perfect translation of the Japanese article, but good enough to understand the majority of it -
Kanye West is inundated with criticism for "womanhood" on his birthdayて Once "suspicion" even to the minister of the Abe cabinet
6/12 On Twitter, "Nyoshimori" suddenly became a trend.
At the birthday party of Kanye West, 46, the American rapper "Ye", the sushi in the prime of a woman's body was shown.
[Photo] This magazine reported the "Nyoshimari Party" of the Japan Youth Chamber
Nyotaimori is a feast at a banquet where ingredients such as sushi and sashimi are placed on top of a naked woman.
It has been controversial both in Japan and abroad, as it has been pointed out that it leads to misogyny and hygiene issues. In 2012, the Japanese embassy in Italy protested against a similar service offered by a Japanese restaurant in Rome, Italy, a local newspaper reported as a "Japanese tradition."
Kanye West has always attracted attention for his every move in the media.Videos of the birthday party posted by the managers on Instagram showed them lying on a large indoor table with music, sushi and other items placed on top of several naked women, and invited celebrities pointing their smartphones at them.
In Japan, it has been reported that an incumbent minister is suspected of participating in a "Nyoshimori" party.Masashi Matsuyama, 64, a member of the House of Councillors and chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party's Policy Council, was the first minister to join the cabinet in 1998 under the Abe administration. It was the magazine that reported the contents.
1998-2-14, in Asahikawa City, Hokkaido, Japan Youth Chamber (Japan JC) meeting is a national organization of young managers had been held.The "Nyotaimori" was held at a social gathering hosted by the participating members that night.One of the participants said at the time:
"At first, she was wearing sunglasses, but when she came in, she took it off and opened her legs.Some people ate sashimi after sticking it to their crotch and nipples."
Then, on May 6, a girl who was served sashimi was guided, and it was discovered that she was 16 years old. 4 people who participated have been arrested on charges such as violation of the Road Youth Protection and Education Ordinance. Twenty of the 33 JC members from all over the country participated in the social gathering.
Mr. Matsuyama was the vice president of Japan JC at the time.He was elected president in 1999, but the election was his first in 20 years. As long as the election is ahead, it is not strange to be there" (JC member of Japan), the suspicion has surfaced.
In the photo of the party published by this magazine, men in suits surround the girth of a naked woman lying on a table, and there are also men wearing chopsticks on the girth.
At the time, Mr. Matsuyama's office was in charge of the interview for this magazine.
"Matsuyama is going to Asahikawa City to participate in the conference. However, I learned from your magazine that there was this event ("Nyoshimori"), and of course I have not participated in it, nor have I received an interview with the police."
And the answer. Mr. Matsuyama denied participating in the party and only replied, "I'm telling you that I was eating somewhere," but the truth is in the bushes.
In the trend of this time, it seems that not a few young people who knew the word for the first time "Nyoshimori".
Kanye has received a lot of criticism from both inside and outside the country, saying he is “misogynistic.”
Work-safe photos here:
Look at the picture of Kanye next to his wife/handler. He is so controlled.
"“treating a human woman like a plate is kinda misogynistic big dog,” tweeted one person."