Mister_Winston 1 point ago +1 / -0

"I'm gonna be real, it's because she's black."

That reason is the farthest from being real.

Mister_Winston 5 points ago +5 / -0

Based on what Q said, I still suspect Wray is a double agent working for us. Remember that double agents or anyone undercover must behave just as criminalistic as the criminals they're busting.

Mister_Winston 6 points ago +6 / -0

"Can I get an Amen?!"

There's always some subtle or overt dig against Christians.

Mister_Winston 1 point ago +1 / -0

Kamala Harris is one of about a dozen Democrats who received bribes through Hunter. They and their personal phone numbers are listed in his emails.

Mister_Winston 1 point ago +1 / -0

Should they also have already joined Patriot Front?

Mister_Winston 5 points ago +5 / -0

Remember that waking someone to Q must come in stages. You cannot introduce advanced info like Gitmo or military operations too soon. That's too removed from a normie's reality to accept. First prove that Q is working with Trump, then move on to political corruption like FISA abuse and Uranium 1. I wrote a post about it: https://greatawakening.win/p/17rSnvhbCS/heres-my-rough-draft-of-a-multil/

Mister_Winston 12 points ago +13 / -1

It was called Illuminati: New World Order, created by Steven Jackson Games in 1994.


I just listened to a podcast about this yesterday. The backstory is Steven Jackson wrote for Playboy in the 70's or 80's and requested his readers mail him all their favorite conspiracy theories. He enjoyed reading them and eventually compiled his favorites into the NWO narrative for this card game. The theories were eerily correct because they were logical and therefore accurate.

Original prints of the game are worth hundreds to thousands on eBay.

Mister_Winston 48 points ago +48 / -0

"Being correct means you're crazy" is the new "Avoiding the jab makes you an antivaxer."

Mister_Winston 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes because Q and Trump both referred to it.

Mister_Winston 14 points ago +14 / -0

These next few months will exhibit the collective nervous breakdown of the left.

Mister_Winston 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly. At this point the hedges are just trying to escape the trap. "Covering" in this scenario just means throwing good money after bad. They're buying more put options to keep the stock price suppressed so they can escape their previous put options by the expiration date. But then they're locked into new short positions. It's a cycle that ties up their money. And if there's a market crash that consumes their cash buffer while Gamestop remains stable, they're screwed. You'll see hedges go out of business overnight like Leiman Brothers.

Mister_Winston 3 points ago +3 / -0

The article claims to address that concern. It's only a claim.

Also it's a common tactic for the second in command to be calling the shots while the #1 is just a figurehead. See Bush/Cheney or Ford/Rockefeller.

Now that we're in 2024, I think it'd be Michelle over Barack. There have been too many shots fired across Barry's bow for him to be a safe play at this point. Larry Sinclair comes to mind. Though they're both fair game regarding the paddleboard incident.

Mister_Winston 9 points ago +9 / -0

A short is a "put," which is a type of stock option. An option is a bet that the stock price will either be higher (a call) or lower (a put) than a specific stock price by a certain date. After that date, the option expires. If the stock has not hit or surpassed the target price, you lose the bet.

When you buy an option, it's technically a contract where you borrow 100 shares of the stock and only pay interest. If you short sell (buying a put option) against a stock in huge volume (thousands of puts), you're locking up shares from being sold higher which applies artificial downward pressure on the stock. It's market manipulation, and a corrupt SEC allows it for specific hedge funds. It's also an all-or-nothing bet, so if they lose, they lose big.

This is what the Gamestop issue is about. Someone discovered the stock was being shorted because it was artificially low, then rallied thousands of people on Reddit to buy the stock and apply counterpressure against the short sellers. This caught the short sellers (hedge funds) off guard, so they doubled down and put more money in the pot. The Reddit investors continued to push back by buying more. This is called a bear trap.

By "covering," it simply means there comes a point where the hedges cannot keep shorting the stock. They have a ticking clock costing them money by the month, and they will run out. When they fail to cover, the downward pressure disappears, then the stock blows up and the short sellers lose everything.

Mister_Winston 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. One reason he cannot post now is he's not behind a White House firewall where he can evade attempts to identify him.

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