I'd bet I could find hundreds of examples of Christians that have raped kids. Churches are filled with pedos. I guarantee you there are people that believe in Jesus that have serious issues as well. Just believing in Jesus does not make anyone better than anyone else.
What if I raped your wife and kids, and lets through you in too cause why not I'm feeling frisky. Let's say I did all that 5 years ago and I "find Jesus" while I'm in prison for the rest of my life. You are saying Jesus will give me the same outcome and save me just the same as if I had lived my life like a nun? Is this what you are telling me? I use extreme example because extreme examples exist. If that is what Jesus is about then I will not follow. I believe in God without Jesus.
Bless your heart anon. You’re destined for a very sad path in life. The Bible is very clear that Christ is the way to the Father. John 14:6, read this carefully.
“I bet I could find hundreds of examples” statement is utterly ridiculous. Based on your exact logic January 6th is completely legit and totally not a Fed op. Cause ya know I can find hundreds of articles to back it.
Stop drinking and realize maybe just maybe you have no utter clue what you’re talking about.
All I'm saying is you saying that simply believing in Jesus as Lord and Savior being enough to get into heaven is total nonsense. Did you know the BTK killer was a follower of Christ? He was president of his Church council. I wonder if him and Jesus will be besties in Heaven? So long as he really beweeves in Jesus that is!
Oh and I never drink dude. Stop projecting. Maybe you've been raised your entire life in a religion and never stopped to question it like every other topic that lead you to this board.
I don't need to know what I am talking about to be able to poke holes in your theory. What I am saying is. If Jesus is really God and has such a chip on his shoulder that his only requirement to get into Heaven is blind worship and that actions committed here on Earth have a significantly less impact. Then I will not follow that God, simple as that. I believe in Karma and I pray and I believe I have a great relationship with God no Jesus needed.
I'd bet I could find hundreds of examples of Christians that have raped kids. Churches are filled with pedos. I guarantee you there are people that believe in Jesus that have serious issues as well. Just believing in Jesus does not make anyone better than anyone else.
What if I raped your wife and kids, and lets through you in too cause why not I'm feeling frisky. Let's say I did all that 5 years ago and I "find Jesus" while I'm in prison for the rest of my life. You are saying Jesus will give me the same outcome and save me just the same as if I had lived my life like a nun? Is this what you are telling me? I use extreme example because extreme examples exist. If that is what Jesus is about then I will not follow. I believe in God without Jesus.
Bless your heart anon. You’re destined for a very sad path in life. The Bible is very clear that Christ is the way to the Father. John 14:6, read this carefully.
“I bet I could find hundreds of examples” statement is utterly ridiculous. Based on your exact logic January 6th is completely legit and totally not a Fed op. Cause ya know I can find hundreds of articles to back it.
Stop drinking and realize maybe just maybe you have no utter clue what you’re talking about.
All I'm saying is you saying that simply believing in Jesus as Lord and Savior being enough to get into heaven is total nonsense. Did you know the BTK killer was a follower of Christ? He was president of his Church council. I wonder if him and Jesus will be besties in Heaven? So long as he really beweeves in Jesus that is!
Oh and I never drink dude. Stop projecting. Maybe you've been raised your entire life in a religion and never stopped to question it like every other topic that lead you to this board.
I don't need to know what I am talking about to be able to poke holes in your theory. What I am saying is. If Jesus is really God and has such a chip on his shoulder that his only requirement to get into Heaven is blind worship and that actions committed here on Earth have a significantly less impact. Then I will not follow that God, simple as that. I believe in Karma and I pray and I believe I have a great relationship with God no Jesus needed.
Not what I said. Your very first sentence is incorrect. Reread what I wrote and I’ll read the rest of your novel.