2021 Inauguration of Trump. Looking for video of 21 gun salute.
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
I have been reviewing the devolution series and Derek Johnson's documents on what actually happened in the aftermath of the 2020 "selection" of Brandon. I can't find footage of the REAL inauguration given by the Old Guard on January 20th 2021. Does anyone have a clip or link to share? I need proof that it actually happened...
there's something off here.
This feels like a bait and switch.
He starts talking about Memorial Day and those who sacrificed. Including members of his family who served and one who died. And keep connecting it to Title 10. Title 10 of the US Code are the laws covering military service.
It's an very emotional opening. But about a minute in something off occurs.
He says "you cannot thank him for him or his relatives for their service and then turn around say what he is telling Americans is false."
Hold your horses.
These are two separate things.
Because he's a veteran doesn't mean he's a law expert. It doesn't work that way
You can also be a title 10 expert without being a veteran.
These are separate. John Kerry was a veteran. John McCain was a veteran, did they never say anything that was false. So my spidey senses are tingling.
I'm going to watch some more
*So he talks about how a section of title 10 allows the President to federalize the national guard to active duty. This sounds good.
*Then he says the only president who has ever done it was Donald Trump? Is this true. I remember national guard after 9/11 let''s keep watching
*Trump's executive order Executive Order 13912 contains this order. OK.
oh wow. He starts throwing out a lot now
These documents are "canopies" they show that the US is under an continuity of government. Big point to check This actually sounds like something we did at work.
Double Whoa!
let me pause for a second. This is a whole lot to take in, we are under military occupation? There's no Constitution?
Remember that first minute of this video, he says he know all these because he's a veteran and his family is a veteran? Because this seems to be a lot about US Code and Constitution Law and executive orders. Stuff that goes beyond just serving in the military.
7 minutes to go
Here's the declare war bit https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/50/1541
This part feels like a bait and switch too
OK 3:34
My head is spinning. This is something!
Let me pause here. Plans for the Continuity of Government does not mean those have been activated. I see no evidence the Constitution is not in place and civilian government is not active.
We did a big BUSINESS CONTINUITY setup two years ago where I worked. They also called it Disaster Recovery. It's a risk management thing, for what would your company do if your main area of business was hit by a hurricane or earthquake or something. We had to setup a duplicate cloud system for all our websites and services, so if the east coast got hit, we had a separate west coast system ready to go and our business could continue without much interruption. This sounds exactly like what the Continuity of Government this guy is talking about but for the US. Here's more about the business world stuff. https://www.ucf.edu/online/leadership-management/news/business-continuity-vs-disaster-recovery/
BTW, I once go to visit the secret bunker under a West Virginia mountain when Congress would go to after a nuclear war. It's connected to a fancy hotel and is no longer used or secret. They give tours of it now. They had like years of food and prescription medicine, and every two years, they would update the names on the bunks with New Congress members. It was a pretty drab space. The coolest part was the giant concrete door.
So there's six minutes left in the video and I think the guy made some basic mistakes at the beginning.
3:45 He starts to clarify saying the Universal Code of Military Justice Act of 2016 applies some how.....he mentions the US Supreme court, but they had nothing to to do with that....
OK. This seems off. You pass the 2017 Fiscal year budget in 2016 which means Obama would have signed this law.
He said the first federal directive was 2017. The date is
OK, so when the new UCMJ get passed? Here's the NDAA it was a part of https://www.congress.gov/114/plaws/publ328/PLAW-114publ328.pdf
Date is 2016
Here's the history https://www.wikiwand.com/en/National_Defense_Authorization_Act_for_Fiscal_Year_2017
So all this stuff precedes the Continuity of Government stuff. which was January 17, 2017
So his timing is off AND this happened during the Obama admistration.
Well the timing is wrong and I don't think understands these laws, directives and orders
Um what? Was he really in the military? First off the Universal Code of Military Justice is a civilian law. He just told us it passed as part of a military authorization act.
Secondly of the key pieces of the Universal Code of Military Justice is Article 2 Article 2 says who is subject to the military law. I am not. Almost all civilians are not. The people subject to the UCMJ is spelled out here. I'm no lawyer, but he is way off base here https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/10/802
5:30 No inauguration. OK this stuff sounds familiar, is they the guy who came up with this?
???? wow.
OK so it's all because of the FCDs. Maybe we should look at them, because I'm almost positive they are just plans and not in effect. They update them routinely. So what happened in 2017 at the end of the Obama presidency was most like NOT the Constitution went away and the military took over....most likely it was just a new plan.
So we have a federal continuity of government plan since Eisenhower....remember that bunker in West Virginia? Looking at FCD 1. He said it supersedes everything that went before.
He's right. But Big Deal. It says
All that means this is the new plan.
The very next part says
That's all this is. It's like when my company set up a disaster recovery on the west coast. It's there, but we aren't actively using it. It's a plan and we update it, so we stay current, but other than it just sits there.
The background to this is it's an Obama era update to a plan that gets updated every decade or so
FCD 2 is from the Trump era June 13, 2017, but this is even smaller in scope. It just defines what critical functions should be covered in COG. It doesn't not declare it.
There's nothing here. Just nothing.
Wow. this was a ride.
Remember that part in the beginning He said Trump was on the only president to ever federalize the national guard. Eisenhower did it in '57 https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Executive_Order_10730
JFK did it several times https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/executive-order-11111-providing-assistance-for-the-removal-obstructions-justice-and
OK, maybe he means federalizes the full national guard. because the other example are just in certain states but in Executive Order 13912 Trump did it up to a million people in support of this. The Covid National Emergency
The one that bugs the shit out of me is EO 13848 with Biden renewing it.
What's the deal with that one?
Also the federal emergency that he said Trump proclaimed when he federalized the National guard
Biden declared that emergency over.