Misinformation is a word we use to shut you up.
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nah, i see it as a flag indicating im over the target..
bombs away!
Fascinating article!
"Out-and-out lying travels with a vast entourage of shabby norms and shabby understandings of the duties of due diligence. Related here would be the large topics of denial, self-deceit, self-delusion, and hypocrisy. The terminus is cynicism, baseness, and miserableness."
Amazing clarity here. This is the state of the Democrat party, the DS, and all their perverse sycophants. Pure Shabbiness.
This is also why, for all their noise and banging on, they will never be a serious enough percentage of the population to be a serious political entity. It's the same for race hustlers, BLM, Antifa, etc. All shabby and messy and cluttered and complicated. The only card they have to play is that of a bully, which most people get tired of and react badly to when they've had enough.
Thanks for reading. Glad you enjoyed it too.