Fefifofumdrum 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Worst" and "worse" are perspectives that only matter depending on where you stand. Vivek was right in this: there are two types of people now, those who love America and those who hate America.

To those who hate America, the assessment is the exact opposite. Robinette and Kamala and Killary and Obummer are all the correct way forward and as such, all have been the best in history.

We live in different Americas with vastly different worldviews.

Fefifofumdrum 8 points ago +8 / -0

Iran = Persia

Israel and Persia are ancient enemies.

Of course, modern antagonisms could be at play too.

Fefifofumdrum 31 points ago +31 / -0

Hell of a way to introduce yourself Kamaaaaaaala. Americans are sick of the protests and aggravation and instigation and unrest. Just had enough, and want their peace back.

THIS is your legacy, and people will say "fuck no" to it.

Fefifofumdrum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is it me, or does "Joe" look really weird there? 🧐🧐

Fefifofumdrum 5 points ago +5 / -0

Par for the course.

Democrat fat cats always think they know better, and when that "better knowledge" tells them they are about to get beat, they cheat. Rules be damned. Regular people be damned. Sacrifice all for power and control.

Ironically, they also never learn. They do not accept that their ideas suck, and that people don't like the direction they want to go in. But they forget themselves. They have forgotten that they are not there to rule, but to serve.

They disgust me.

Fefifofumdrum 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, I can't listen to her whiny, fake hood rat, cackling ratchet sounds.

Fefifofumdrum 4 points ago +4 / -0

RFK, Jr simply sees an opportunity and an opening that the Democrats gave him, and he's trying to maximize whatever he thinks he can to boost his chances and make him a viable candidate again.

He's being a politician.

Fefifofumdrum 6 points ago +6 / -0

Let me take this moment to remind all frens, that he was the first to predict that Robinette would not be the nominee...


Fefifofumdrum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just because someone is born on American soil, does not mean they are subject to the jurisdiction thereof. Anchor babies are not a real Constitutional thing.

If her parents were foreign citizens, then they are/were subject to the jurisdiction of their home country, and merely visiting here.

There is a difference between jurisdiction over citizens and jurisdiction over foreigners/visitors.

She should be ruled ineligible.

Edit - of course, we are talking about the US Corporation here...

Fefifofumdrum 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is the long game the author was referring to.

Fefifofumdrum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Speaking as a former military marksmanship expert, and 7th-award rifle expert in the USMC, this entire "Trump staged the assassination attempt" is definitively complete bullshit. Among others, here's a couple reasons why:

  1. if you watch the video of how PDJT turns his head twice to look at the screen to his right, there is no possible way for the shooter to time that up correctly when ballistics, gun handling/technique, and flight time are considered.

Bullets are fast, but not instantaneous. Even from the relatively short range (which I still can't wrap my head around how that part happened), the shots take time to get from point A to point B.

  1. hypothetically, if the goal was only to wound PDJT, a headshot would not be the actual sight picture. Too easy to miss big. Center mass or an extremity would be, especially if he wears a vest. If any one of several variables doesn't cooperate and the trajectory shifts even a little, you would have either a complete miss or a man dead that was only supposed to be wounded...

No. That story cannot survive first contact with logic and probabilities.

LSS, it would take the world's best sniper to have the best luck ever at that specific moment in time, with every variable accounted for, and perfect atmospheric conditions, to aim at and hit only PDJT's ear from that range and in between two turns of his head just so.

I doubt this 20 year old outcast was that.

Fefifofumdrum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Camera angles frens. Camera angles.

The second photo of him and PDJT is a shot of them from a camera angle to include PDJT in the frame. PDJT is actually a little blurry because he's further away from the camera, not standing right next to JDV.

Don't go crazy.......

Fefifofumdrum 4 points ago +4 / -0

The legislative branch does not have oversight over the executive branch. Those are equal in the Constitution.

There might be oversight committees for various agencies, but this dude's wording is off, and risks confusing the issue.

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