Saw a lot of post saying the frequency has changed- some saying the end of the matrix- any thing to this?
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On June 13, without going into all the elaborate details, I experienced the most profound episode of synchronicity in my life. I've had those small experiences before, and they always point my thinking to a different, unexpected direction. But what I experienced on the 13th was a confluence of impossible facts that pointed me to a spiritual message, like God tapping me on the shoulder and saying, "Child, I am still here."
Yes, I am seeing a definite uptick in people awakening, across many different fronts -- confronting a school board here, boycotting corporations there, blocking entry to a major league baseball game recently... people are awakening, and part of that awakening -- our Great Awakening -- may definitely have to do with the increase in Earth's vibration levels as revealed by the Schumann Resonance.
The question is, does the Resonance CAUSE the increase in becoming awake, OR, does the Great Awakening cause the increase in the Resonance? I think the two are definitely connected, but in some way we might not fully understand.
Add to the fact that the West is now coming to the end of this Fourth Turning, with possibly only one or two years left before it comes to its climax, things are happening on Earth that many people are not aware of, but folks here on GAW are most definitely aware of.
Could you post re the Fourth Turning?
Sure. I will assume (since you didn't say) that you know nothing of it, or perhaps very little about the concept. In 1997, two historians, Howe and Strauss, published a book called "The Fourth Turning" based on their in-depth study of history going back about 500 years. It's not a book I would casually recommend to most people, as it is full of data, charts, graphs, and tables that most people won't take time nor interest in studying.
But the bottom line is this: That human history is NOT linear but rather cyclical. History repeats itself in 80- to 100-year cycles that they called "seculorums." And each 80-100 year seculorum is divided into four turnings of roughly 20-25 years each. Each turning has its own distinct character. Again, it's complicated to go into in this short explanation, but you could sum it up as "Hard times create hard men; hard men create good times; good times create soft men; and soft men create hard times...that's the simplest way to put it.
The book (1997, remember) predicted that in the years 2005 to 2025, plus or minus a year, would be a Fourth Turning, characterized by chaos, systems falling apart, the world order being upset, and a time of dejection and possible violence. The previous fourth turning was the WWI-depression-WWII era...and before that was the American Civil War....and before that was the American Revolutionary War... and backward into history 500 years of cycles.
I think we are VERY the end of this current Fourth Turning, perhaps one more year, plus or minus, and great changes and events are about to happen. Then again, it could happen next week, I don't know. NONE of us know when it will happen, history moves at its own pace and doesn't collaborate with me about things.
The authors also predicted, as has happened in previous fourth turnings, that a "grey champion" would arise to lead us out of this age and into the First Turning that lies ahead, a time of prosperity and good will and optimism. I believe that "grey champion" is Donald Trump, but I could be wrong about that.
So that is the most succinct description I can give you of The Fourth Turning. If you have a technical mind and like to wade through mountains of data, the book is available on Amazon, AND the authors are coming out with a new book that should be available soon.
Thanks Fren that helps alot 🐸
A perfect summation.
A college friend talked to me about this a few years ago. I thought it was intriguing then but you do a very good job explaining the concept concisely.
One more thought. Previous "grey champions" of those eras I mentioned were FDR and Winston Churchill (depression and WWII), Abraham Lincoln (the Civil War), and George Washington (American Revolution).
I simply think that Donald Trump will be our grey champion to lead us out of this miserable fourth turning as it comes to its final climactic end.
And as if to punctuate my post here, my 11:11 am reminder just went off on my phone.... a time each day I set to remind myself to stop, take a moment, and give thanks to God for my many blessings and to pray for us all.
Interesting. The Bible does say that "there is nothing new under the sun". And "what has been will be again." Thanks for this discussion.
I believe as we awaken, our eyes recognize more & more of these synchronicities. I call them Godwinks.
If anyone here thinks the marxist FDR or mass murderer churchill were champions please give your fking head a shake. 🙄
I loathe FDR's politics but he did lead the US in WWII.