BeKind39 1 point ago +6 / -5


BeKind39 2 points ago +2 / -0

farpointpatriot, "PLANNED OR NOT PLANNED", me not know, but today this is what I was thinking. Here we are at the time of the RNC. Trump said he would reveal his V.P. pick during the Convention. I am a believer that Jr. is alive and well. What has had me concerned is that the "people" would not be so excited that they were deceived and lied to for so many years about his death. But with what happened yesterday, they could roll out John Jr. and say, "the assassination attempt on Trump is exactly WHY John had to go into hiding until all the things were in place to BRING DOWN THE DEEP STATE CABAL WHICH KILLED PRES. JFK. The people would be so ready to HELP these two men bring all of these evil people to justice. THE TIMING WOULD BE PERFECT TO REVEAL JFK JR. I so hope this is true. They roll out the truth Monday thru Thursday .....then comes 10 days of darkness.....the EMS announcements, and we end up with Christmas in July on the 25th. This scenario makes me SMILE. By July 25th, the Cabal world wide has been arrested and awaiting their trip to the tribunals.

BeKind39 2 points ago +2 / -0

BaronsDog, do you think it is the day of or the day after BECAUSE you believe the election will be stolen again and the mass of citizens will demand an ANSWER?

BeKind39 4 points ago +4 / -0

How can there be a NORMAL 2024 election???? The military has the PROOF of the 2020 rigging. And besides IF we are in a "soft" martial law right now, nothing the CIVILIAN GOVERNMENT DOES IS VALID. WHEN MARTIAL LAW IS IN EFFECT ALL CIVIL AUTHORITY IS NULL AND VOID.......NO COURTS, NO EXECUTIVE ORDERS, NO LAWS PASSED BY CONGRESS......ZERO, NOTHING IS LEGAL EXCEPT FOR WHAT THE MILITARY DOES. AND THIS IS WHY TRUMP IS NOT IN DANGER FROM THE COURTS........THIS IS A SHOW PEOPLE...........GET A GRIP. There is NO WAY we can have an election.

BeKind39 4 points ago +4 / -0

You are exactly right, Oblakhan. The ball was tossed to Trump first and now it is Russia's time to "play" T A K E D O W N T H E C A B AL. So far they have destroyed United States' biolabs in Ukraine and rescued children from organ harvesting death as well as child sex trafficking. Anything this present U.S. government is saying is BAD like Russia, we should be KNOWING that they are good guys helping. If present administration is against something or someone, you can rest assured that they are the GOOD GUYS. If Joe is against them, I am FOR them.

BeKind39 1 point ago +1 / -0

Whoa! DJT complimented her very recently but then told her to back off as they don't have the votes yet. And why are we so low that we can't make a comment about someone we don't like without attacking their physical appearance. After all, none of us get to choose how we appear when we arrive on earth.

BeKind39 1 point ago +1 / -0

He (Gowdy) may NOT be swamp..........there is a "timing" to everything that is being done. Take for instance, why is Trump disagreeing with MTG about Johnson after his about-face. There is no way that everything can be exposed until the White Hats are ready. Hold onto your hats.............it is coming out every day now.

BeKind39 2 points ago +2 / -0

I also think that there are other cities in Ukraine that end with chyna.........I have always believed that the US involvement in Biolabs in Ukraine will be the BIG STORY........hopefully someone will "open the door" to this during the Fauci hearings. Surely we have a "Patriot in the HOUSE." "

BeKind39 7 points ago +7 / -0

If we are "right now" under some type of Martial Law, (even if it is not announced) the CIVIL GOVERNMENT WOULD CEASE TO EXIST........they could continue with a "fake" type civil government to help the masses not panic, but when the Military is in control, the civil government is suspended until the time that the Military ceases to be in control. If we are under Martial Law right now, then nothing that is being handled by the civil authorities is valid. And is probably WHY there won't be a 2024 election. And if we are NOT under Martial Law, then how in the world could there possibly be a 2024 election BEFORE THE 2020 one is "fixed, especially NOW when there is so much exposure of what really happened coming out in state after state......take GA for instance. I personally think this is all a "staged PLAY" to keep the public from panicking as the CABAL is taken down. The one thing I know for sure is that DJT is the DECOY while all of this is ongoing.

BeKind39 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am so sorry for this situation in your life. This is my take.....since you said what you did about how she has suddenly become so protective of he phone etc. I definitely believe she is seeing someone else, even if it is on rare occasions. The scenario I see is that this other guy is either married and not able to "break up" his marriage for one reason or another.....or maybe does not want to break up, other wise if he were FREE and if he was financially able, she would have been out of there a long time ago. Ask God to SHOW YOU TRUTH and he will. If she leaves her phone for a second, do what you can to get the numbers she calls and redial. If you have the opportunity, find out the TRUTH.

BeKind39 18 points ago +18 / -0

Yes, you will see her one day again and it will be like you had never been separated. I understand the ache in your heart. My hubby of 54 years went home three weeks ago yesterday at the age of 85. I always said that he treated me like I think Jesus would treat me. Gentle, kind, and understanding. He loved me no matter how I looked or foolish I acted........a true gentleman and lover of the Lord.

BeKind39 5 points ago +5 / -0

A tee shirt I crafted myself. "I Q Do U?"

BeKind39 2 points ago +2 / -0

Honor+Duty, not necessary......THEY HAVE IT ALL. they hear them breathing.

BeKind39 4 points ago +4 / -0

So sorry about your Mom. Don't give up. Bless the doctors. They only know what they have been taught. AND THEY DO NOT CONSIDER THE LORD STEPPING IN AT THE ELEVENTH HOUR AND COMPLETELY HEALING YOUR MOM. My husband had a brain aneurysm in 1986. No one thought he would live. BUT, thanks be to Jesus, the Holy Spirit woke my "praying" friend up and told her to go to her prayer place and pray in the Spirit. She did. She later said she knew it was a life and death matter, but she was not told who she as praying for. Later that day, when my son called to tell her what had happened to his dad and ask her to pray, she said, "I already prayed for 5 hours very early this morning and your dad will be okay". My husband is now well into his eighties and has never even been back to a doctor concerning this aneurysm....never. One verse I would recommend you saying over and over and over and over. Speak to the mountain........make it personal just for her. My mother will not die but live and declare the works of the Lord. Confess life and wholeness over her. Do it everyday.......thousands of time, because the Bible says we can have what we say. God gave all power to Jesus and Jesus turned around and gave us this same God kind of power to His people.....to His church, the Body of Christ. Another verse is this,....with long life He will satisfy me and show me his
salvation. Make it personal putting in "he will satisfy my mother". Learning to SPEAK TO THE MOUNTAIN IN A PERSONS LIFE WILL BRING ABOUT THE MIRACLE WORKING POWER OF GOD. We don't have to beg God to do something for us. Jesus said it is finished on the cross......He did everything that would ever need to be done. He gave us everything that pertains to LIFE and Godliness. We have what we say, so start saying the result you want and not the negative thing that you have at the moment. GOD's WORD WORKS, but you have to PUT THE WORD TO WORK using you mouth and your words. Read Mark 16:15-16 you will notice what we Christians are suppose to be doing and that GOD WILL WORK WITH US CONFIRMING HIS WORD, THE BIBLE, WITH SIGNS FOLLOWING. Don't be moved by what you see........keep trusting Jesus. We will be praying for you all. Just remember that God sometimes gives us a MIRACLE which takes place in an instant. At other times He gives us a healing which is a SPEEDED UP NATURAL PROCESS. Don't grow weary in well doing for you will reap in due season if you "faint not". Don't give up.

BeKind39 7 points ago +7 / -0

45 was in the hospital and "treated for Covid"......don't think he got the vac. My son and his wife got Covid also and when they went to the doctor for treatment, the doctor said, "well you are in luck, We just received a shipment of the meds 45 was treated with so you will get over this just fine." AND THEY DID.......BOTH HAD SUPER MILD CASES.

BeKind39 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mountaingale, GREAT IDEA. Had not thought of protein powder for when the peanut butter hits the fan. Thanks.

BeKind39 6 points ago +6 / -0

THERE IS SUCH A RESISTANCE TO THE ORDERS OF THE SUPREME COURT THAT THE MILITARY WILL HAVE TO COME IN.........the military is the ONLY way. It is the PLAN. We are already under Military and most folks don't realize it yet.

BeKind39 1 point ago +1 / -0

My rose-colored glasses must have fallen off because I never expected such mean, hateful, comments as I have read here about this person. What a lovely bunch of anon we are.

BeKind39 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is the Schiff we see the original (real) one or has he been replaced also?

BeKind39 5 points ago +5 / -0

Were "they" trying to make Maui a replacement for Epstein Island?

BeKind39 1 point ago +1 / -0

WHOA here folks. I read the same thing you all did, but my take seems to be different than most here. The take away from what I read is this..........the mods are not censoring us. I take it that after much careful watching and hearing on this board that THEY can see how some subjects can be used to confuse or down right "turn people off" and make us less effective. They are suggesting ways for us to have more effect at red pilling. Good Lord, don't we have enough enemies without trying to include the Mods. I took what was said as a suggestion to make us more effective at advancing the Q movement. ARE WE JUST SO DISTRAUGHT AT HAVING TO WAIT SO LONG THAT WE ARE LETTING OUR "UGLY" GET OUT OF HAND. You know what I mean.......are we just frustrated and taking it out on the mods who are trying to help us keep doing a good job. We can not divide up sides on this board. If we do we might just as well close it down completely.

BeKind39 3 points ago +3 / -0

HatingThisMovie, that is the answer........a body double. In Rome, DJT had, what looked like a fresh haircut and his hair was a tad darker than usual. When DJT was in Miami, he had the longer looked "swept back" on the sides and over the top and it was altogether a different color in fact with some gray showing. Pull up the pictures of the two events and it is obvious that this is not the same person. GET A GRIP.......NOT EVERTHING IS OVER THE TOP......TIME TRAVEL IS NOT THE EXPLANATION. i CALLED MY HUSBAND ATTENTION TO IT THAT NIGHT.

BeKind39 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dear UBERLIGHTBRINGER, while praying for DJT and American in about 2021, I specifically heard the Lord say......."TRUMP IS A DECOY". And what a DECOY....all of these law cases and almost every eye and ear turned toward TRUMP as our MILITARY TAKES DOWN THE BAD GUYS HIDDEN IN CRACKS ALL OVER THE WORLD. And a darn good job DJT is doing. But the last few events are going to be open FOR ALL TO SEE. Hallelujah. TRUST GOD. HIS PLAN IS FLAWLESS.

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