Keep Honouring God. Keep an attitude of faith, and you won't have to fight. God will move the wrong people out of the way, He'll open a door that you couldn't open; He'll turn that situation in your health around. Outlast the sickness, outlast the injustice, outlast the trouble at work, outlast the loneliness. You have to tap into that staying power. As Scripture says 'He who endures to the end will receive the prize' Don't Give up along the way; don't get discouraged because this is taking longer than you thought. Your time is coming.
I came across this somewhere I don't recall and have always found it a useful reminder that God is in control. Hopefully, some Anons might find it a help as well. God bless you all.
By giving thanks. Being a blessing to others. Give of yourself (your time, talents, abundance) asking nothing in return. Share your stories of God's goodness to others. Bless you for wanting to give back to God!