What's your thoughts about Juneteenth?
Banks and post offices are closed. Legit holiday or what? Biden gave the deep state workers another freebie at our expense. Seems to me we have too many federal holidays already. I keep hoping that part of Trump's agenda will be to drastically cut the size and scope of government. Personally I think that first cut should be 50% and then chip away from there until it's about 25% of what we currently have. Then maybe our taxes can go down in an effort to free the rest of us slaves who pay taxes and foot the bills for outrageous expenditures like $billions to Ukraine and pallets of cash to Iran.
Juneteenth is legit because it commorates the final delivery of the promise our founders made that all men are created equal. And it's certainly more legit of a holiday than Labor Day.
And we should have more holidays anyway. The work/life balance of Americans is terrible. We need fewer work hours and more family time.
Someone above mentioned Kwanza. Now that's a bogus holiday.
Do you have any idea what the Founders meant by all men are created equal? Remember, as a clue this is in the Declaration of Independence, This specifically means that you do not have to be of a royal bloodline in order to be declared the ruler of the United States. You do not need to be born into a position of power. All men are equal in their ability to seek the position of President. The line regarding all men are created equal means nothing more, nothing less. It has nothing to do with skin color. It has always been more than obvious that all men are not equal regarding physical or mental characteristics. All people have unique, individual characteristics, but are equal in their ability to gain public support for a position of leadership. That is the beauty of it all.
More holidays are OK with me but not while we’re $35 trillion in debt. Now if we cut the Federal government by 75% I’d be all for a few extra holidays. I just don’t like paying people to do nothing when most Fed employees don’t do Jack shit the rest of the week anyway.