Amish communities rejected Covid vaccines, refused to wear masks, and went about their normal daily activities while the rest of America was turned upside-down.
According to the CDC and mainstream media, the Amish were set to suffer from excess death due to Covid. In reality, the exact opposite happened.
Consider the source
I would expect to see a similar number of excess deaths in the Amish community during the height of the pandemic, since those deaths would mainly have been among the vulnerable and elderly who had no prior exposure. There might have even been deaths fraudulently ascribed to Covid during that time period (as we saw in the general population). Lots of dollars were paid out for every Covid death so many deaths were marked as "Covid" regardless of the actual cause of death.
What I would NOT expect to see, and what this study apparently doesn't address, is any excess deaths in the Amish community since the vaccines were rolled out. Whereas of course we do see a large number of excess deaths (and increasing) in the general population over the past couple of years.