lkjsdf9845 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is not legal advice just my personal opinion.

She needs to begin legal proceedings against her work.

Also she's basically sealed her own fate, medically speaking. Cancer, stroke, heart attack, sudden death, hyperaccelerating aging -- whatever is coming probably can't be stopped.

Best she can do is nattokinase on an empty stomach every morning, NAC every night before bed, and of course D3, Super K, iodine, curcumin with black pepper, etc. But let's face it her health will never be as good as if would have been.

There's no way she would have taken that injection unless she didn't take the risk seriously so maybe her purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others.

lkjsdf9845 1 point ago +1 / -0

Facebook isn't even a necessary component. Anytime they want they can just plant CP on your computer and then arrest you for it and destroy your life/reputation and throw you in jail.

lkjsdf9845 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought the dirty secret about the black vote was that they don't actually vote at all.

They just register to vote. But their turnout is really bad.

The whole point is just to enable fraud that validates what people were already expecting from the polls.

lkjsdf9845 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you double-click on an image to bring it up in an image editor, and that program does not have an icon for rotating an image, then your operating system is a piece of garbage.

lkjsdf9845 2 points ago +4 / -2

Why should we even have to worry about what women would vote about?

Since we started this experiment in women's suffrage, the debt, tax, inflation, and wars have all exploded.

Why are we letting women make our decisions again? All it does is shift the entire window to the left. We end up with candidates like Hillary, where you have to ask yourself how she even got the nomination in the first place. The problem isn't whether she wins -- it's that she was even in the running at all!

lkjsdf9845 4 points ago +4 / -0

-- Most people who get cancer are D3 deficient. 5000 iu/day minimum of cholecalciferol prevents cancer and flu.

-- Why does everyone in Japan smoke cigarettes but they don't get breast cancer? Because seaweed is the only natural source of dietary iodine. Take iodine daily.

-- Why did everyone in the USA quit smoking, but then cancer went UP? Vegetable oil / Seed oil. That is Canola oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil, safflower oil, etc. Stop eating restaurant food. Stop eating pre-packaged / frozen food. Stop eating fast food. Look at the ingredients on the back of every food product you buy, and make sure there's no vegetable oil.

-- Cancer thrives in an acidic, high-sugar environment. Eat alkaline foods and avoid anything with added sugar, especially high-fructose corn syrup.

-- Everyone already knows Fenbendazole and Ivermectin. Look it up.

--- PNC-27 peptide cures cancer. I do have one friend who successfully cured her dog's brain cancer using it. There's plenty of papers on the subject: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25117093/

Also, the FDA is against it, so you know it's good: https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drug-safety-and-availability/fda-warns-cancer-patients-not-use-pnc-27-products-treatment

lkjsdf9845 1 point ago +1 / -0

They can't do that if they are being blackmailed. They can't even resign if they want to. If they did, videos might get released.

lkjsdf9845 1 point ago +1 / -0

Most nurses aren't complicit in murder (for the shots anyway) but rather, they are complicit in the administration of drugs that people were coerced to take, which the nurses believed would be good for the patients.

The problem wasn't the danger of the shots, which presumably they didn't know about. Rather, the problem was that the shots were being forced onto people. That's why it's important to never allow coercion even when it's believed that the drug is beneficial.

Complicit in murder however does seem to come more into play when it comes to ventilators, remdesivir, and refusal to administer life-saving drugs like monoclonal antibodies. (Had a family friend who was admitted to the hospital so he could get monoclonal antibodies, but then the hospital refused to administer them. They also refused to allow him ivermectin, D3, etc so his family had to sneak those things in. The nurses later told him they were sure he was going to die).

lkjsdf9845 1 point ago +1 / -0

Serrapeptase every morning on an empty stomach will remove all unwanted proteins from the body (including arterial plaque). No need for statins.

D3 with breakfast of 5000 to 10,000 IUs per day will prevent cold/flu/cancer.

However, D3 causes the metabolism to use up K2 faster, causing a K2 deficiency.

Therefore, take Super K vitamin with breakfast, which will prevent calcium deposits in the arteries.

by PepeSee
lkjsdf9845 2 points ago +2 / -0

Blacks don't actually vote. They just get registered to vote. The rest is fraud and the people believe it because it lines up with polling.

lkjsdf9845 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't think I would "get rid of" them. That sounds kind of ominous.

But at the same time I probably wouldn't have them running our government, banking system, media, pharma industry, academia, and foreign policy either.

I mean it'd be strange if we had Chinese people doing all that for us, so why do we act blind about it when it's Jews? Because we love them so much for rejecting Christ? Do we really want this country run by a group of people defined by their rejection of Christ?

lkjsdf9845 4 points ago +4 / -0

CIA killed JFK to cover up Mossad blackmail operations, eh?

You fail to mention that the CIA agents involved were Zionist Jews.

lkjsdf9845 12 points ago +12 / -0

It was the Jews. Here's some info:

-- Lee Harvey Oswald was under CIA surveillance for years before the assassination of JFK. Why is it that these murderers tend to be known to US intelligence agencies before the fact?

-- A CIA agent named Reuben Efron was opening Oswald's mail for years. Efron was a Zionist Jew who spoke Hebrew, Yiddish, German, Russian and English. This information was not declassified until this year. (Why not?) After retiring from the CIA, Efron lived in Miami where he spent years writing to the Miami Herald advocating for Israel.

-- In contrast with the official government narrative, JFK's entrance wound was on his throat (the bullet came from in front of him) and blew out the back of his skull. The actual shooter was thus in front of him. The doctor kept quiet about this for decades out of fear for his life, which was threatened. Read all about it here: https://themessenger.com/entertainment/jfk-doctors-assassination-60-years-what-really-happened

-- Why was this covered up? Clearly to hide evidence of a conspiracy (multiple shooters). Then why would the Warren Commission conclude there was a lone gunman? Either they were in on it, or they were being blackmailed.

-- Shortly after Oswald announced "I was a patsy!!", and before he could be interviewed by investigators, he was murdered by Jack Ruby (real name Rubenstein), a Zionist Jew who committed the murder after receiving a phone call from an associate of Mickey Cohen, a Zionist Jew gangster from California.

-- Ruby said "I did it for my people." His tombstone is inscribed in Hebrew. As a result of his actions, investigators were unable to interview Oswald.

-- Reuben Efron, the Zionist Jew at the CIA who opened Oswald's mail for years, reported to James Angleton at the CIA.

-- Angleton was a Zionist Jew who was the official liaison at the CIA for the Mossad (Israeli intelligence). When the Warren Commission interviewed Oswald's widow, Reuben Efron was in the room so he could report back to Angleton. Angleton is considered a hero in Israel.

-- Israel had a JFK problem. JFK was demanding inspections of their nuclear facilities, and threatening to cut US aid to Israel if they refused. They considered this to be an existential threat, as they considered their nuclear program vital to their existence. (US law forbids providing US aid to countries with a nuclear program). After the assassination, no US President ever again made such demands to Israel. US foreign aid is to this very day provided to Israel in the amount of billions per year. We back them up against Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, "Palestine" etc and they rely on this support.

-- The Warren Commission concluded that Oswald acted as a lone gunman and not as part of any conspiracy, "closing the case." However, this conclusion was not believed by the majority of the US population at the time.

-- When popular Presidential candidate Bobby Kennedy planned to re-open the case and investigate his brother's murder, he was also assassinated.

-- Not a single conspiracy theory of the past decades has considered the OBVIOUS Israel angle. Even the Oliver Stone film ignored this angle. Instead, theories always centered around the CIA and the Pentagon, based on a presumption that they needed JFK out of the way in order to have their war in Cuba. Of course, after the assassination, they never went to war in Cuba.

-- Tucker Carlson announced on national television that a CIA insider with access to documents that STILL HAVE NOT BEEN DECLASSIFIED (even though the law requires them to be declassified) admits that the CIA was "involved" in the murder of JFK. Of course this is to be expected since Angleton and Efron were both agents for the CIA. However, they were both obviously Israeli spies. This part of the story, however, didn't make it into Carlson's monologue.

-- Lee Harvey Oswald, the "PATSY" was surrounded by Zionist Jews in all directions. Zionist Jew Efron opening his mail for years, and sitting in on his widow's interview by the Warren Commission. Reporting back to another Zionist Jew (Angleton) who ran the Mossad desk at the CIA. Oswald murdered by a Zionist Jew Jack Rubenstein before he could be interviewed by investigators. Who did so after a phone call from Zionist Jew gangster Mickey Cohen. News media and all news stories controlled by Jews ever since.

-- The reason Tucker is blaming the CIA now, which is the same reason Roger Stone is blaming Lyndon B. Johnson now, is simply to help cover up the true perpetrators of the crime: Israel. And let's not forget, Israel is controlling the USA to this day, using blackmail via kompromat on US politicians that they gathered through their agents Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and others. This blackmail allows them to use America as a golem to start wars all over the Middle East, murdering millions of Arabs who now HATE us as a result.

Check out this informative Fuentes episode on the subject:


lkjsdf9845 2 points ago +2 / -0

The fact that HEB went along with that whole fiasco in a state that's supposed to be free like Texas speaks to who is really running that place on the inside at the top.

I'm curious if they mandated vaccines to employees?

lkjsdf9845 3 points ago +3 / -0


Please connect the dots for those of us who don't get it?

lkjsdf9845 1 point ago +1 / -0

day #1144 since the stolen election

Please connect the dots for those of us who don't get what you mean?

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