This is a hard road for me. Primarily because I used to teach how vaccines work. If you dig back in my post history to when the mrna jabs came out, I mentioned backing anyone's choice to get or not get the vaccine, that I was going to get it because I knew how to take my vital measurements, and if something went wrong, I'd just file a claim under the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
A couple of kind anons dragged me to the woodshed and helped point me at the fine print that said it wasn't covered. (It was covered under a separate program for countermeasures, not vaccines. Which on its face tells you and me everything we needed to know.)
After my initial shock, followed by anger, I changed my stance to "I'll get the jab when it moves to the VICP program."
Well, it was around this time that I lost a large group of my "friends" because they thought this meant I was anti vaccine. Even "friends" that asked me for advice when this all initially kicked off because of my background in pandemic preparedness.
Cue me learning the phrase "mass formation psychosis."
And of course the only place I could even have a rational fucking conversation on it was the dark corners of the web being here or the chans.
Until two things happened.
Substack held the line
Elon bought twitter.
Now things have finally come to a head, because we've reached a point where the actual anti-vax crowd is showing up to be heard and wants a real debate on everything. Autism, vaccine injuries, SIDS, the whole 9 yards.
And the doctors are running away from the discussion as fast as possible.
Well not all of them.
I just listened to Mario Nawfal's hosted twitter space where several doctors laid out compelling cases for the malfeasance by the medical industry (and even the opposing pro-vaccine voices on it couldn't defend 90% of the decisions made during the pandemic) followed by RFK's tweets, Rogan's tweets, Steve Kirsch's substack, Greenwald's commentary, and yes, Elon chiming in and flat out saying these people know they can't win a debate because they don't have the facts behind them.
What I learned from all this?
- No modern vaccine has any public documentation of double-blind testing for safety.
- No modern vaccine is TESTED FOR SAFETY, ONLY EFFICACY. Since the VICP provided a liability shield, they don't care.
- If anyone cites the Salk study, tell them the current polio vaccine is not the one that was in the Salk study and thus that study is non-relevant, but take the time to ask them to cite the specific parts of it that cover safety in the context of vaccine injuries because the only safety part is a couple of pages of embarrassingly sparse information.
- The Amish don't have autism.
- Autism rates are skyrocketing and not only do we "not know why" but we're invested in not researching it.
- Japan doesn't have a SIDS problem. They also don't have an infant vaccination schedule.
- I don't think I can trust western medicine anymore. Something is fundamentally broken and I don't know the right way of fixing it. But I'm coming around to Nuremberg being part of the solution. I really want to hear some of these fuckers say "I was only following orders" on the stand.
Anyhow, that's my rant of the day, and a thanks to the anons that saved me from getting jabbed.
Oh, as a bonus, when I told my primary physician I wasn't jabbed and why, he too thought it was covered by the VICP. He too was stunned.
One parting shot. The VAERS database is bigger than ever yet the compensation program to date has paid out less than 10 cases in the US for COVID.
S Korea has paid out 10s of thousands of claims.
At least you keep an open mind and keep searching for truth. Sorry to hear you lost people k Itβs a sad but unavoidable part of the waking up process.