posted ago by Oh_Well_ian ago by Oh_Well_ian +130 / -1

The Hunter Biden Scandal is the Lewinsky Blue Dress of the FJB Administration.

1000% Limited Hangout with the lockstep Uniparty BULLSHITTING the entire Country.

note: The CIA-Bush-Clinton Cartel was caught red-handed trafficking cocaine through Mena, Arkansas and laundering the proceeds in shady real estate deals in the area. Buying and selling parcels of land over and over and over, at inflated values. You probably know it as 'Whitewater'. The Lewinsky scandal was the 'SEX' psyop for the shallow and gullible, to take focus off the massive conspiracy.

Hunter's crazy crackhead exploits documented on his laptops provide the PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY intel agencies love so much in every black op. That is, if they were ever recovered, full of CP, Foreign Aid theft and Blackmail, the crackhead narrative would provide the cover. (: I'm not saying HB didn't do crack )