Take action this Pride month. Pride is a time to stand tall. Join us in telling Congress to pass the Equality Act, which would expand existing civil rights laws to protect LGBTQ+ people from discrimination. Click to TAKE ACTION Outside with Pride REI Co-op in a bold block typeface overlays a rainbow-colored tree graphic
At REI, we honor and celebrate the spirit of Pride year-round by investing in nonprofits, events and programs that connect LGBTQ+ communities with the joy of the outdoors. Show your pride with this lineup of limited-edition products from our favorite brands.
Our taxation system is broken such that we are forced to pay for our own demise.
The leftist unis benefit from Student Loan programs, which permit them to charge a fortune for a degree that often won't pay back the loans to get it. And NOW those loans are to be forfeit back onto the taxpayers!
Unis OK
Students OK
Taxpayers screwed
Leftist propaganda and degeneracy subsidized by the rest of us.
: (