THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES ANONS! What day is it today? It's June 21st! Why is this significant? It's the Summer Solstice! The BRIGHTEST day of the year! What was John Durham doing today? Why was the 21st of June chosen for Durham's presentation? SYMBOLISM is very important! 🌑 DARK --> LIGHT! ☀️
🌑 DARK --> LIGHT! ☀️

The oldest deity we know of is the Indo-European Dyḗus ph₂tḗr (lit. "father daylight-sky-god"). I am very sure the God of the Bible is one and the same, and Jesus is his Son. Who was there during our early stone age tribal days, huddled in caves hiding from lions? Who was there when we were surviving on the Eurasian steppes, taming the horse? It was He, Dyḗus ph₂tḗr, Deus Pater, our Father.
Edit: everyone who downvoted me are enemies of humanity imo. The name of Dyḗus ph₂tḗr is literally the precursor to the Latin "Deus Pater", which means G"od Father", and yet you downvote this?! Imbeciles.
That is not everyone's history but yes you are right it is a story that goes way backkkkk
Note, when I say oldest, I do mean OLDEST. Dyḗus ph₂tḗr is older than all the Hindu gods, and older than the taming of the horse.
You gotta understand it was called different things in different places.