Is it possible that there is a connection between what happened aboard the Titanic and what is happening in that sub?
My thoughts....
Multiple wealthy mofos on the same boat/sub where people are dead or are most likely dead.....suspicious
Are those people in the submarine opposing something major? The wealthy guys (Astor and company) died on the Titanic because they opposed the Federal Reserve. So is there a connection between these two events?
The Titanic and the Olympia sinkings were an insurance fraud switcheroo, so that the people who owned the White Star Line could get their money back. Is there a possible insurance fraud scheme afoot with the submarine?
Is it possible we are looking at a comms situation? Who in their right mind would board a submarine when the situation is this dysfunctional? Ie equivalent of a PS3 controller controlling the ship, only openable from the outside, not much life support to begin with, owner cutting corners on the ship (Titanic, anybody?)...... something about this entire piece of news is suspicious. These people must have no self preservation, or there is a false flag involved.
Anybody who can help clarify, i would appreciate it. Research definitely needed.
I can sort of understand the logic of using a game controller. But not of using a wireless one.
You'd think someone with that sort of wealth would have someone build a very robust controller, using the same basic format.
Witness protection.
Not unheard of
They said they carried spares.
What game is that on the right?
I thought maybe battleship, but i am not familiar with a lot of video games....can I phone a friend?