Double meanings and all that. But Durham was very careful to not utter Mifsud's name at all. And he and Barr went to Italy to track him down before the investigation into Crossfire Hurricane was launched and Durham was appointed Special Counsel. I think Durham subconsciously was afraid to say Mifsud's name at all because he knows he is the center of the discussion surrounding the classified information referenced in his appendix, which he knows is a totally separate investigation.
The more than one game in town has to be an investigation directly into Obummer and the illegal use of Five Eyes and the FISA database. The timeline makes total sense. It was March 2016 when Mike Rogers found out about the irregular 702 searches being conducted on the FISA database and launched the audit. The next day Fusion GPS's wife and five other people visit the WH. The WH. Not the DNC or HRC. Obama. Then also in March 2016 Mifsud is launched to try to entrap Papadopoulos into saying something that would justify spying on him and by extension, Trump and Ben Carson campaigns.
I think it may have been April 2016 that Comey and Lisa Paige were in London. Can't recall why I know that but I think Q may have even posted pictures of them there.
This is probably all old news to many here but I have been thinking a lot about the nuances of the Durham testimony. It feels like there is more information in what wasn't discussed to me.
That's not very nice.