IMHO, Prigozhin's days are numbered and he won't live very long. Ironically, Belarus was part of the Pale of Settlement where undesirables were sent in the Czarist times. Some things never change. In a crisis like this, the hidden promoters behind it tend to expose themselves as the plan unfolds. Any oligarchs in Moscow involved in the conspiracy will be exposed and purged. Accordingly, look for arrests in Moscow and elsewhere in the Russian government. If any military heads ordered the missile attacks on Wagner forcing them to use their well-supplied anti-aircraft weapons against these attack helicopters, those military leaders will be removed. To make an such an order like this was reckless and suicidal for the pilots. This would be like Russia sending aircraft to attack a well fortified Kiev that is loaded with the best anti-aircraft missile systems.
IMHO, Prigozhin's days are numbered and he won't live very long. Ironically, Belarus was part of the Pale of Settlement where undesirables were sent in the Czarist times. Some things never change. In a crisis like this, the hidden promoters behind it tend to expose themselves as the plan unfolds. Any oligarchs in Moscow involved in the conspiracy will be exposed and purged. Accordingly, look for arrests in Moscow and elsewhere in the Russian government. If any military heads ordered the missile attacks on Wagner forcing them to use their well-supplied anti-aircraft weapons against these attack helicopters, those military leaders will be removed. To make an such an order like this was reckless and suicidal for the pilots. This would be like Russia sending aircraft to attack a well fortified Kiev that is loaded with the best anti-aircraft missile systems.
We will learn a lot more in the next few days.
You are completely correct.