Lies are easier than the truth (the CNN proof), but they are still expensive. We are under PR media war, and these lies aren't lasting as long now as they used to. Yet they are still expensive and centrally managed. We are closing the frequency loop and causing them to have to spin existing or introduce new narratives faster and faster. The lies have worse and worse "resolution," that is, the quality and believability needed to fool a wider audience increasingly isn't there, and it's becoming not just obvious, but comical.
Right now they can't get anything, literally anything to last longer than a week. Like with this meme... The Russian Coup lie didn't even last 36 hours. The spin teams are desperately working overtime, in fact, past their capabilities—and it's starting to show. The Russia coup narrative was a transparently amateur joke from the moment it began. And it's going to close even harder on them and they know it. Waking up isn't always a sudden realization. People need time to come out of their fog, or, in many cases, actually think or 'see' for the first time in their lives. The longer the lies look this comical and obvious, the closer they get to being able to do what we do here, on GAW, without thinking. More and more people are waking up. When we are all informed, we make being informed look as if it's just normal to be informed. When a mysterious certain critical mass senses that shift, a new normality emerges. It triggers the sea change, and all the sheep rush to be patriots. Unfortunately that's what we've been waiting for for years, true. But, IMHO, that's the answer to your question.
C5 asked me to add this private discussion we had. It builds on the idea why it's important to inform all of you. The following is for a different case but relevant for this post. Here's what I said:
"It's nice to have a tight community, but our job is facilitate an awakening in individuals, that's how I see it.
Yes, it's a lonely path, but user/s seems to want validation, and talk to others, so that they have the tribe to do the thinking and decisioning for them, and to keep relying on the tribe?
A massive crash is coming, and both sexes need to get it in their heads to be self reliant, because what is about to come is going to test something on them that no one alive to this day have ever faced in their lifetime. I speculate, the reason why trans shit is being push deliberately out, is to get normie women to fight back against the current system, and if the SHTF, and since 50% of the population are women, developing resiliency may save a lot of them from hurting themselves and others."
Adding more here, let's not dance around the bush here and this is not an attack on women, let's be honest, if the power grid goes down, no water is being supplied, food supply is limited, desperate people roaming the streets, is it men or women that will take a leadership role? Even if some men are liberal minded, because of their nature they will quickly adapt to the situation, but can you honestly say this for women? If 50% of the population are women, and a collapse happens, that's going to be a massive problem for solutions being rolled out as quickly as possible, no?
"Even if some men are liberal minded, because of their nature they will quickly adapt to the situation "
I do agree to a certain extent because nature can't be denied but can that nature be fully recovered after being perverted by, for example ,the consumption of soy for years and the mentality of constant propaganda ?
Good point. How many women go primitive camping? No makeup, pee in the woods, etc. My stepmom and I went on an week-long wagon trip on the Oregon Trail, slept in a tent. Her best friend's response, "WHY?" Imagine her being suddenly forced into it.
Ha! If the manure hits the fan I have a way to make some $. I have a van I use as a gallery for the cuckoo clocks I make. It has solar panels and a real plug. I could drive around (I know, gas) and charge for women to blow dry their hair.
You either have very low expectations of women or know many superficial ones. Women aren't that vapid that they would spend important resources in a crisis situation just to blow dry their hair. We can turn on "survival mode" just as much if need be. Maybe you should read up on all the solutions regarding beauty, food, child care etc women came up with during the great depression, war times and other times of hardship. Women aren't as fragile as you think.
Tucker mentioned not too long ago that the herd instinct is very strong in humans, up there with sex and food. I know the joke about people being sheep, but there is an element of truth to that. We can sneer at it as people not thinking for themselves, but if you look at the root, it is really about survival - safety in numbers, so to speak. The need for a tribe is in our DNA. So I don't see it so much as a bad thing, but more that we need each other in order to thrive and also to know how to recognize the proverbial wolves among us.
I will say the Trans fight against women has been going on longer than most people realize - it just wasn't reported daily. I don't think it is so much that women aren't self-reliant; it is IMHO complicated by the fact that there is a real threat of violence that women have to deal with. Look at the videos that have been published - that one high school where that feisty girl took on the ass who decided he was a girl to enter the locker room. He was probably twice her size and he punched her publically when she confronted him. There is a reason the trans issue is so one sided. You don't hear stories about women identifying as men in locker rooms because they know they run a real risk in doing so.
Lies are easier than the truth (the CNN proof), but they are still expensive. We are under PR media war, and these lies aren't lasting as long now as they used to. Yet they are still expensive and centrally managed. We are closing the frequency loop and causing them to have to spin existing or introduce new narratives faster and faster. The lies have worse and worse "resolution," that is, the quality and believability needed to fool a wider audience increasingly isn't there, and it's becoming not just obvious, but comical.
Right now they can't get anything, literally anything to last longer than a week. Like with this meme... The Russian Coup lie didn't even last 36 hours. The spin teams are desperately working overtime, in fact, past their capabilities—and it's starting to show. The Russia coup narrative was a transparently amateur joke from the moment it began. And it's going to close even harder on them and they know it. Waking up isn't always a sudden realization. People need time to come out of their fog, or, in many cases, actually think or 'see' for the first time in their lives. The longer the lies look this comical and obvious, the closer they get to being able to do what we do here, on GAW, without thinking. More and more people are waking up. When we are all informed, we make being informed look as if it's just normal to be informed. When a mysterious certain critical mass senses that shift, a new normality emerges. It triggers the sea change, and all the sheep rush to be patriots. Unfortunately that's what we've been waiting for for years, true. But, IMHO, that's the answer to your question.
C5 asked me to add this private discussion we had. It builds on the idea why it's important to inform all of you. The following is for a different case but relevant for this post. Here's what I said:
"It's nice to have a tight community, but our job is facilitate an awakening in individuals, that's how I see it. Yes, it's a lonely path, but user/s seems to want validation, and talk to others, so that they have the tribe to do the thinking and decisioning for them, and to keep relying on the tribe? A massive crash is coming, and both sexes need to get it in their heads to be self reliant, because what is about to come is going to test something on them that no one alive to this day have ever faced in their lifetime. I speculate, the reason why trans shit is being push deliberately out, is to get normie women to fight back against the current system, and if the SHTF, and since 50% of the population are women, developing resiliency may save a lot of them from hurting themselves and others."
Adding more here, let's not dance around the bush here and this is not an attack on women, let's be honest, if the power grid goes down, no water is being supplied, food supply is limited, desperate people roaming the streets, is it men or women that will take a leadership role? Even if some men are liberal minded, because of their nature they will quickly adapt to the situation, but can you honestly say this for women? If 50% of the population are women, and a collapse happens, that's going to be a massive problem for solutions being rolled out as quickly as possible, no?
Which is why being informed IS NECESSARY.
"Even if some men are liberal minded, because of their nature they will quickly adapt to the situation "
I do agree to a certain extent because nature can't be denied but can that nature be fully recovered after being perverted by, for example ,the consumption of soy for years and the mentality of constant propaganda ?
Good point. How many women go primitive camping? No makeup, pee in the woods, etc. My stepmom and I went on an week-long wagon trip on the Oregon Trail, slept in a tent. Her best friend's response, "WHY?" Imagine her being suddenly forced into it.
Ha! If the manure hits the fan I have a way to make some $. I have a van I use as a gallery for the cuckoo clocks I make. It has solar panels and a real plug. I could drive around (I know, gas) and charge for women to blow dry their hair.
You either have very low expectations of women or know many superficial ones. Women aren't that vapid that they would spend important resources in a crisis situation just to blow dry their hair. We can turn on "survival mode" just as much if need be. Maybe you should read up on all the solutions regarding beauty, food, child care etc women came up with during the great depression, war times and other times of hardship. Women aren't as fragile as you think.
I thought he was kidding!
Tucker mentioned not too long ago that the herd instinct is very strong in humans, up there with sex and food. I know the joke about people being sheep, but there is an element of truth to that. We can sneer at it as people not thinking for themselves, but if you look at the root, it is really about survival - safety in numbers, so to speak. The need for a tribe is in our DNA. So I don't see it so much as a bad thing, but more that we need each other in order to thrive and also to know how to recognize the proverbial wolves among us.
I will say the Trans fight against women has been going on longer than most people realize - it just wasn't reported daily. I don't think it is so much that women aren't self-reliant; it is IMHO complicated by the fact that there is a real threat of violence that women have to deal with. Look at the videos that have been published - that one high school where that feisty girl took on the ass who decided he was a girl to enter the locker room. He was probably twice her size and he punched her publically when she confronted him. There is a reason the trans issue is so one sided. You don't hear stories about women identifying as men in locker rooms because they know they run a real risk in doing so.