Getting across the Danube River is going to be costly and complicated, well let’s go up and over then. Now we know the purpose of the tactical nukes in Belarus, a chess piece blocking NATO’s knight. All of Ukraine’s equipment is in the east and Kiev is unprotected for the most part. Now with the failed offensive, Ukraine has 3 options 1. Pull what they have left and run to the aid of Kiev. This leaves the Russians to break through what defenses they can leave in position and possibly overtake the Kiev rescue forces.
2. Move the government out of Kiev ahead of advancing Russians.
3. Start WWlll and possibly use nukes.
Let us pray they don’t choose option three.
And the CIA agreement ensured that cruise missiles and HIMARs wouldn’t tear their armored columns apart on the way there, just a nice Sunday drive up to Belarus with some CIA walking around money. That said this war is a slaughter and needs to be stopped, I watched a video of Ukraine soldiers caught in a mine field and it was just plain disturbing and I’m not easily rattled.
...what you are seeing distroyed. are the raw conscripted(kidnapped) human fodder...
...the Ukrainian military columns have never come close to engaging Russia's first line of defense, the minefields are outer perimeter nuisance zones....
Getting across the Danube River is going to be costly and complicated, well let’s go up and over then. Now we know the purpose of the tactical nukes in Belarus, a chess piece blocking NATO’s knight. All of Ukraine’s equipment is in the east and Kiev is unprotected for the most part. Now with the failed offensive, Ukraine has 3 options 1. Pull what they have left and run to the aid of Kiev. This leaves the Russians to break through what defenses they can leave in position and possibly overtake the Kiev rescue forces. 2. Move the government out of Kiev ahead of advancing Russians. 3. Start WWlll and possibly use nukes. Let us pray they don’t choose option three.
...compelling observations, nicely stated...
And the CIA agreement ensured that cruise missiles and HIMARs wouldn’t tear their armored columns apart on the way there, just a nice Sunday drive up to Belarus with some CIA walking around money. That said this war is a slaughter and needs to be stopped, I watched a video of Ukraine soldiers caught in a mine field and it was just plain disturbing and I’m not easily rattled.
...wanton death is never pleasant to observe....
...what you are seeing distroyed. are the raw conscripted(kidnapped) human fodder...
...the Ukrainian military columns have never come close to engaging Russia's first line of defense, the minefields are outer perimeter nuisance zones....