posted ago by TheFuglyAmerican ago by TheFuglyAmerican +17 / -1

I saw a short 4 minute video earlier today on what it would like for someone from Iceland who had never been away from his home town and you brought him to Miami during spring break with people stopping traffic so they can twerk in the middle of the street or introduce him to American's with tattooed faces and shaved off eyebrows, orange spiked hair a gold grill on their teeth and frisbee disks in their ears.

What would their view of America be?

Due to social media using algorithms, promoting crap that few care to view in mainstream US culture is being viewed around the world as normal American society and they think we have gone mad.

Only 13-17% of the US population, according to various polls, are hardcore progressives (aka whack job Marxists). Another 13-20% are inner city thug minded low education and the homeless combined.

Another 60% are educated but bought out and or indoctrinated leaving only a precious few who are not completely selfish who give a rats ass about saving America.

How do we change these numbers when we are at nearly a third off the population being more than worthless, as in not contributing to society in a positive way, but going over the line into being down right dangerous for humanity's survival?