I tend to agree. There was such a wave of excitement the first time we saw a non-fringed flag after Trump "left office" but then the fringe reappeared like a week later and is present much more often than not.
So I'm with you - I don't think the fringe (or not) signifies diddly squat. I haven't even been able to find anything online about the fringe vs. non-fringe on the flag to even verify the significance some Anons CLAIM that it implies either. :-S
The flags go back and forth between gold trim and no gold trim so often I am inclined to think it is random.
I tend to agree. There was such a wave of excitement the first time we saw a non-fringed flag after Trump "left office" but then the fringe reappeared like a week later and is present much more often than not.
So I'm with you - I don't think the fringe (or not) signifies diddly squat. I haven't even been able to find anything online about the fringe vs. non-fringe on the flag to even verify the significance some Anons CLAIM that it implies either. :-S
I have the same sentiments about the number 17.