The bags are different. Look at the straps.
In the photo saying the military aid carries the nuclear football in his right hand - the handle is literally attached to the bag (no straps).
In the photo with Trump the bag has long straps.
IF this really was the nuclear football, you would want it to be as secure as possible and a handle without straps would be the most secure.
The bags are different. Look at the straps. In the photo saying the military aid carries the nuclear football in his right hand - the handle is literally attached to the bag (no straps).
In the photo with Trump the bag has long straps.
IF this really was the nuclear football, you would want it to be as secure as possible and a handle without straps would be the most secure.
My 2 cents of course.
I see now. Makes sense.
Also, if you look carefully, the handcuffs needed to secure it further are sticking out the right sleeve.