Sometimes I wake up in absolute disbelief that my government is trying to kill me. Other days, it’s just on with the show.
But this is the summer of pure dismal. It rains everyday in many places—here and where loved ones live. I’m of the opinion the bastards control the weather.
The smoke from the Canada fires are bad where I live today and it’s making my mother in Hospice worse because she’s not getting enough oxygen to her brain. She has a lung disease and is dying. The smoke doesn’t help. It makes her delirious.
And word is today that malaria, of all things, is active in Florida and Texas. Gee, what a surprise. Let’s get those red states! Bring on the malaria, boys!
Florida is being punished on a daily basis, with high insurance, skyrocketing housing costs, and now Malaria. Really biblical weather in South Florida this summer where my daughter lives with Noah-like rain and crazy thunder for weeks.
Dengue fever in Peru spreading there from Brazil and Gate’s mosquitos. And I could go on, but you know the news.
I’m just fed up tonight. My brother, who is awake, called, and we were marveling at all the chaos. We decided we just have to be strong every single day. Stay ahead of the blues. Fight to be happy. Carry an umbrella. Sing in the effing rain.
Things can get worse and they probably will but remember - they had us dead to rights. We should be in Hillary's second term. If they had their way there would be droughts like the world has never seen before. Food shortages and mass starvation. While hundreds of millions would have died from COVID and the vax those of us who survived would have been put in a refugee situation when a major American city got nuked with a bomb that would have the same isotopic signature as the Uranium 1 material that Rober Mueller brought to Canada to frame Russia.
The water districts in every town would be encircled with fences and barbed wire pointing in. If you don't want to see your children die of thirst you would have to surrender yourself to the camps and you would not be allowed guns if you want the water. The Chinese citizens manning the camps would make sure to collect yours at the door.
This was supposed to already happen yet look where we are now. Remember the price of eggs? The food facilities blowing up? I don't know about you but all food is currently available where I live and eggs are back to their low price.
All straight/white/Christian/men over 50 (not even all but just one of these things) would have already been executed by now The most terrible things would have happened to our women and children.
But look where we are. Can you eat? Drink? Drive where you want? Communicate with loved ones? Buy items you're running low on?
We're doing much better than they want us to be doing and it pisses them off. It might not feel like we're winning right now but it does feel like they're losing.
When the wasps were free to build their nest bigger and bigger while we stayed away for fear of being stung they were sure they were winning and they didn't go out stinging for no reason. Now that they have been exposed and their nest has been destroyed they are stinging everybody. We see things as worse but they know they don't have their nest - their security - anymore. This is their last days to sting.
Perfect description of Obama's FIMA camps plan