can't remember exactly what the chair was for am trying to find the post I made about it at the time. But his Belarussian gf was/is a dentist, and dentists are used to pull teeth so bodies can't be ID'd.
But I also remember something to do with MK Ultra, something to do with the anesthesia and mind control stuff.
Will update if I find it. If anyone else knows please let me know cheers.
what is dental floss code for? curious.
can't remember exactly what the chair was for am trying to find the post I made about it at the time. But his Belarussian gf was/is a dentist, and dentists are used to pull teeth so bodies can't be ID'd.
But I also remember something to do with MK Ultra, something to do with the anesthesia and mind control stuff.
Will update if I find it. If anyone else knows please let me know cheers.