Can we get any lawyers then to file a class-action lawsuit on behalf of those of us who paid our debts?
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This is why I was surprised everyone was cheering what the Supreme Court passed…it’s not like “they” are gonna follow law. From the oval office to the colleges themselves, only law abiding citizens follow the laws. Criminals do what criminals do. So nothing changed on that front. Just the same two tiers of justice and so on and so forth.
..lawyers will get that money fighting the deepstate tho. I guess, yay for them?
Lawyers, Judges, Police ARE a big part of the deep state. I have personal experience and proof of this (VERY personal and currently unresolved). So is Roberts on the SC. WE are watching a "script." You are right in my opinion, the optics I think are to show us plebs are to accept they are "Above the law". If you take a shot at the Devil don't miss.