So the next iteration of the third reich appears to begin in Canada. Lil’ fidel is the next fake antichrist? Pfff. We all know the cabal is getting put down by Patriots and The Bible tells us the final Antichrist will pretty much be satan incarnate so i aint worried about bitch trudeau. Sucks for those lost but fuck man have some Faith and stop listening to doctors aka slaves to babylonian money magik. Mentally dead people that i trust our Good Lord Jesus The Christ will have mercy upon. May they take refuge in the shadow of His wings until this calamity passes by.
So the next iteration of the third reich appears to begin in Canada. Lil’ fidel is the next fake antichrist? Pfff. We all know the cabal is getting put down by Patriots and The Bible tells us the final Antichrist will pretty much be satan incarnate so i aint worried about bitch trudeau. Sucks for those lost but fuck man have some Faith and stop listening to doctors aka slaves to babylonian money magik. Mentally dead people that i trust our Good Lord Jesus The Christ will have mercy upon. May they take refuge in the shadow of His wings until this calamity passes by.
When is that ‘end boss’ supposed to arrive btw?
Seven years prior to Jesus The Christ donning His battle rainment and mounting his steed i reckon. Can’t wait.
Glad we don’t know