I like the idea that God created a Lake of Fire where these people will be cast and suffer the torments of a darkness so thick, it can be felt. Like living in a black ink soup falling forever hearing the screams of others there falling also. Never able to sleep, never seeing what touched you on the leg as the screaming never stops. I suppose you would eventually get used to the intense heat of the flames but the mental part would be a torment like nothing else. Maybe I should feel different as a Christian but knowing this will be their justice forever is what I pray for these sick perverts for all the children they have harmed. All those NOT having their names written in the Book of Life will be cast into this Lake of Fire at the end of the 1000 year reign of Jesus. I hope ALL of you are saved and do not have to go through the Great Tribulation. Amen
I like the idea that God created a Lake of Fire where these people will be cast and suffer the torments of a darkness so thick, it can be felt. Like living in a black ink soup falling forever hearing the screams of others there falling also. Never able to sleep, never seeing what touched you on the leg as the screaming never stops. I suppose you would eventually get used to the intense heat of the flames but the mental part would be a torment like nothing else. Maybe I should feel different as a Christian but knowing this will be their justice forever is what I pray for these sick perverts for all the children they have harmed. All those NOT having their names written in the Book of Life will be cast into this Lake of Fire at the end of the 1000 year reign of Jesus. I hope ALL of you are saved and do not have to go through the Great Tribulation. Amen
Personally, I could see hell as a black hole.....But amen TO your closer.