You have to use the specific Transfer Agent for each different security.
In his case the agent is – BigMikesSaggyBaggins 18 hours ago +2 / -0
Continental stock transfer & trust.
I dont know what would happen in a complete collapse. Buy having the shares registered in your name and not held by your brokerage house. The big hedge funds aren't able to naked short sell the stocks and do a hostel take down of a company.
Thanks Big Mike
I'm holding for the long term? Should I do the computer share thing? Makes me nervous. Also, if the exchanges all shut down, is computer share safe?
You have to use the specific Transfer Agent for each different security. In his case the agent is – BigMikesSaggyBaggins 18 hours ago +2 / -0 Continental stock transfer & trust.
Computershare handles AMC
Is this safer in a complete financial collapse?
I dont know what would happen in a complete collapse. Buy having the shares registered in your name and not held by your brokerage house. The big hedge funds aren't able to naked short sell the stocks and do a hostel take down of a company.