Q NOOB MEGATHREAD: New to Q? With the 'Sound of Freedom' movie dominating the box office and giving Hollywood seizures, we have a lot of new eyes on us! What is this "Q anon" thing? ASK US ANYTHING!

Q became known in 2017 but not widely til much later. The Movie Sound of Freedom was made 5 years ago and held from release by Disney. They would mean the movie was in production before Q was popularly known. This movie is not Q, Qanon, or MAGA .
However the movie represents one of the reasons that Q became active. Remember Trump after being elected made this an issue and took actions against it. I do not know the number of pedophiles caught during his tenure, but I remember hearing something like 1500 caught at one point
How many children saved? I do not know. I’m sure someone on this board may know. Several years back there’s an article about a ring taken down and a few hundred children saved. It involved several countries. Even North Korea was acknowledged in their help….now that is amazing!
If someone is willing to do the research, I remember at one point keeping a running tally in my head and it was thousands and thousands arrested and tens of thousands rescued during his presidency. Especially during the end. My tally was from news from every state, most was CA, and criteria was trafficking/slavery for women or children. I lost track after 10,000+ arrests.
Tons in CA every month or so