Covid is Genocide
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I still say it doesn't exist.
As in:
The disease everyone refers to as "COVID" is not unique and is not proven to be caused by a specific "virus" (a.k.a nanoparticle). It also CANNOT be reliably tested for because there is no gold standard method for detection. No one outside of a government- or pharma-sponsored lab has been able to detect or isolate these particles.
The existence of a patent proves nothing other than someone had the idea and wanted to protect it. I believe all this research into "viruses" has been a smoke screen for biological weapons development for decades. We were educated by the Rockefeller medical education system to believe that "viruses" are a natural phenomenon, and generations of academic researchers blindly believed they were doing honest research, when they were really chasing their own tails.
The biological weapons are delivered via injection, not airborne. An airborne lethal bioweapon would get extremely out of hand fast, even for the cabal, so the psychological operation pushing "fear the VIRUS" is the main driver to get people to voluntarily take the injection, therefore the culled population is self-selecting.