Either Q is legit for the Great Awakening (which I believe) or Q is legit and is Operation Trust. Either way Q is a legit psyop crafted by MIL/3 letter agenices. At this moment in time, you can be on either side of it if you've followed it with dedication. Huge booms are coming to wake the populace and change things forever, or we are being divided and shifted back to a right-way of thinking (a decent percentage of us) to craft in-fighting so we don't come together and rise up against the 'masters'.
Either Q is legit for the Great Awakening (which I believe) or Q is legit and is Operation Trust. Either way Q is a legit psyop crafted by MIL/3 letter agenices. At this moment in time, you can be on either side of it if you've followed it with dedication. Huge booms are coming to wake the populace and change things forever, or we are being divided and shifted back to a right-way of thinking (a decent percentage of us) to craft in-fighting so we don't come together and rise up against the 'masters'.