The reason why Christians can't defeat Global communist narratives regarding LGBTQ+, is because the Globalists hijacked a key factor in the Christian belief, other believes as well and that is that us, each individual has a soul.
A soul that identify us personally. Of course the latter won't say that out loud, since most of them identify as atheists or plainly as anti God. They only use it as the argument that one can be born a man in a woman's body or a woman born in a man's body.
Most atheists believe we are random moving molecules, every thought is calculated based on what you experienced before hand plus other physical and chemical factors. And with no greater force behind you influencing your life.
Since no Christian will deny the "fact" that each individual has a soul, but has no tool to measure the soul based on gender it self, the LGBTQ+ group hijacked it and forces us to accept something that is not. An excuse that some use, is that one was the opposite sex in his/her previous life.
Otherwise how can one know he or she is the opposite sex than one find him or herself in?
A LGBTQ+ activist won't be able to explain why one can be born in the opposite gender.
For one to be born the opposite sex, needs to be in hold of some type of a medium/force that determine their data/identity.
But of course their are christians who doesn't necessarily believe in reincarnation so all those arguments goes out in the water.
I believe humanity was led astray or just simply left behind. We have no idea what we are and where we came from, all we can do is argue about it, some more extreme than the other.
What do you believe or know to be true? I'm interested!
I believe there is an incorrect assumption or premise inherent in your prompt -- that gender is a property of the soul.
The soul and the spiritual is not gendered, but the physical creation had been created with sex or gender present for purposes of reproduction and to fully reflect God's image from our limited 3rd dimension / physical domain.
At the time of Creation, we were living fully in the physical and spiritual realms simultaneously. Humanity was uninhibited by sin or death and could fully commune with the holy, loving, perfect Creator God. However disobeying God's only command in that perfect garden was a rebellion against God's rightful rule. This introduced sin and sin brought 2 deaths. The first death was instant. The connection that allowed us to commune with God directly was broken immediately. The physical human was not intended to or setup to live without this direct relationship with Creator God, so it was that we began to physically die. Thus our sin brought death. And just as God commanded that all things would reproduce after their own kind, Adam and Eve could not help but to reproduce sinful children and this has continued even to today.
So why does Christianity and the Bible argue against transgenderism you may ask? The reason for this is that transgenderism is a further rebellion against the natural way that God created us. I don't claim that there are not some unfortunate people who have gender disphoria or mental illness, this can happen in our broken world. I don't claim there are not some circumstances where a baby is born with both parts in some rare cases, this is another evidence of how broken our world has become after these few thousands of years from original creation to now due to the brokenness introduced by the fall of man. We should do the best we can in those cases (I've read that typically only one set of organs is actually functional at birth in this rare situation). For the gender dysphoria we should work to provide mental health care to move these individuals back to recognizing that they are the correct gender as they were born. To instead accept their departure from reality as truth, we are enjoining them in taking this mistaken belief and translating it into an act of further rebellion against their own nature and thereby against God. This acceptance of their gender lie would also only encouraging them to end up in a permanently disfiguring and sterilizing "treatment" program that will mutilate their body and bring harm to them. In future years if mercy is extended to them that they realize the error of their belief, they will be unable to go back and often the reaction is suicide.
Back to scripture though, I mentioned gender not being a property of the soul. Matthew 22: 23-33 should clear up some of the confusion here as we will be resurrected to be like unto the angels whom are nor gendered and do not reproduce.
First of all, thank you for taking the time to write a detailed comment.
As I stated that their are no measure tools to define the gender of a soul, I believe gender is pure biological and cannot be changed.
But I wonder why do you see "not accepting own gender" as gender dysphoria? If the soul doesn't feel home in his/ her body. Do we still speak about a mental illness if the soul doesn't define the gender but it doesn't connect well with the body.
Or could God almighty have made some errors?
Thanks for the verse tho
Not right now we can't as if we tell the truth that they are groomers that will play into their hands quite nicely.
But as there is a barnstorming movie about child predators doing the rounds and a documentary series about it on the horizon the time will come that we will be able to tell everyone who they are as it will be very obvious indeed.