Exactly. Imagine if our constitution was actually followed. Then we would be able to point at others and encourage them to follow our examples. We went from tribal life to entire empires. We can unite earth the positive way. Not the Marxist or Zionist way, but the way Yeshua told us to do it. We must be the be the force that drives humanity towards a bright future. We must the the person we want others to be to us.
I do our govt doesn't even pretend to follow the constitution, or give a fuk about us.
One world govt would be ten times as bad.
Remember pretty much all third world shitholes have a constitution like ours. It's just asswipe when you have satanic pedo fags running everything.
You must be new around here.....
Exactly. Imagine if our constitution was actually followed. Then we would be able to point at others and encourage them to follow our examples. We went from tribal life to entire empires. We can unite earth the positive way. Not the Marxist or Zionist way, but the way Yeshua told us to do it. We must be the be the force that drives humanity towards a bright future. We must the the person we want others to be to us.
If we quit fuking over the 3rd world they would be just fine.
Is not we fren. Is them… who shall not be named on this site because you know… the thing.