As in:
Defund the CIA. Return the CIA budget to the American people. Return the budget for CIA offshoots in other countries to the people of those countries.
Defund the EPA. Return that money to the people.
Defund the IRS. Return that money to the people.
Defund the FDA and CDC. Seize the assets of all directors still living. Return those to the people. Establish new oversight agencies with the term limits Q suggests.
Extradite the Sacklers back to the USA. Execute them. Seize their assets and distribute to those who have lost families and had their lives destroyed by opioids.
Essentially, if you are found to be a treasonous captured government entity, all your assets are belong to us, the American people, and we rebuild after dealing with you appropriately.
Now that's some reparations I'd definitely support! (And I'm betting President Trump already has a plan.)
CIA: $3.2 Billion
EPA: $12 Billion
IRS: $14 Billion
FDA: $ 8 Billion
CDC: $11 Billion
And I'll nominate one more:
Dept. of Education: $194 Billion
Imagine if the Department of Propaganda budget actually went to the students and a solid education.
What a world we could see.
Yep. That's what keeps me going -- I want to live to see these Bureaucratic Abominations -- and all of the foul creatures that animate them -- destroyed.