Well yeah, how could anyone believe history. We're currently living in the "victors" world. Whatever they say we've believed since we were born. And now we're finally seeing what a fucked up world we live in.
Half the alleged total of 6 million came from Poland, where it's claimed over 98% of Jews were exterminated, or 3.1 million.
With that type of efficiency, what is with all the 'survivors'? Remember, all the camps were in Poland. Now why would that be? Because that is where the truth would be hidden after the war, behind the Iron Curtain.
Also, the German Army had limited deployment in Poland. Forces were concentrated in Russia, Europe and North Africa. The manpower required to pull off the 'Final Solution' was not available, not even close.
Your point is correct, but your numbers are off. The worldwide population of Jews went down slightly between 1939 and 1945. However, that number increased by 1948 from 1940. I don't want to split hairs because we're in agreement. IT. NEVER. HAPPENED.
Before the war: World Almanac 1929 (p. 727): 15,630,000 National Council of Churches USA 1930: 15,600,000 World Almanac 1936 (p. 748): 15,753,633 World Almanac 1938 (p. 510): 15,748,091 During the war: American Jewish Congress Council of Synagogues 1939 15,600,000 World Almanac 1940 (p. 129): 15,319,359 World Almanac 1942 (p. 849): 15,192,089 After the war: World Almanac 1947: (p. 748): 15,688,259 World Almanac 1948: (p. 849): 15,763,630 As shown, the numbers of Jews before and during the war, are mostly congruent and stable. Therefore, one may take as a fact 15.7 million Jews around the world shortly before the War, with a slight decline during the War. Immediately after the War, in 1947, the same sources reported 444,271 Jews more as in 1940! The number of the Council of Synagogues too is 163,630 higher than that of 1939! According to the World Almanac of 1947, the number of Jews in 1939 was 15,688,259. On February 22, 1948 the Jewish owned New York Times, gave the Jewish population of Palestine as 600-700,000; following the lowest number, it results in 16,288,259 Jews Worldwide. Nearly 600,000 more than before the war! So, Jewish statements from 1948 show nothing of 6 million murdered Jews.” Not surprising thus, the New York Jewish paper Aufbau from December 24,1948 dubbed the “Six Million Story “a pure fabrication.” Authoritative experts after the War clearly not believed that 6 million Jews disappeared. If between 1939/1940 and 1947 six million Jews were murdered, it is of course impossible that there were more Jews in 1948 than in 1940. With 6 million Jews murdered after the war, no more than 10,288,259 Jews could have been counted then. This was understood by the proponents of the Talmudic number either, which is why after 1947 drastically reduced numbers of Jews appeared on paper.
On Yandex, you can find millions of articles, many of them Kosher, that prove the Holocaust was fabricated. There was barely 4 million Jews under German occupation. Only 160k in Germany in 1939 and 130k of those were SERVING IN THE GERMAN ARMY. Jews were emigrating from Europe in droves in the 1930's.
Schooled in the 79s and 80s and NEVER heard any of those myths-- i heard lampshades of human skin, but history teachers said no proof found, prolly folklore- that other shit? Rollercoasters of death? Babies being bayonetted?
I was told about the lampshades, the tortures of mengele on twins and the freezing experiments, about Belsen which the Brit army liberated and there were quite a few lurid paperbacks about back then detailing the horrors of the camps.
There was a series on the BBC about WW2, everyone watched it. "The World At War" This mentioned the holocaust quite a few times. I hope this helps.
Well yeah, how could anyone believe history. We're currently living in the "victors" world. Whatever they say we've believed since we were born. And now we're finally seeing what a fucked up world we live in.
that's because Zionism and the Roth's won the War
And we quietly imported their scientists to do their works in the US
Paperclip and the Space Program were a cover for importing the Gestapo and their tactics into the OSS and eventually, the CIA
So... How could Zionism and the Roth's win WW2 aaaaaand the Nazi's infiltrate so many post war institutions?
The answer to that question is why Israel will be Last
If the United States would have lost WW2, how hard/easy would it be for the victors to claim that the US holocausted Japanese Americans?
1 Hour 14 Minute AUDIO version here:
Yes we did talk about it. I was born in '48 and knew about this, and so did lots of others I grew up with.
You're quite precocious for a 75 year old.
Why thank you kind sir.
the number of jews worldwide went up during the holocaust
Half the alleged total of 6 million came from Poland, where it's claimed over 98% of Jews were exterminated, or 3.1 million.
With that type of efficiency, what is with all the 'survivors'? Remember, all the camps were in Poland. Now why would that be? Because that is where the truth would be hidden after the war, behind the Iron Curtain.
Also, the German Army had limited deployment in Poland. Forces were concentrated in Russia, Europe and North Africa. The manpower required to pull off the 'Final Solution' was not available, not even close.
so a worldwide population of 11M has 3.1M killed off but the population of those people goes up to 12.5M the following year.
Your point is correct, but your numbers are off. The worldwide population of Jews went down slightly between 1939 and 1945. However, that number increased by 1948 from 1940. I don't want to split hairs because we're in agreement. IT. NEVER. HAPPENED.
thanks man I was going from memory. I knew it was impossible math
On Yandex, you can find millions of articles, many of them Kosher, that prove the Holocaust was fabricated. There was barely 4 million Jews under German occupation. Only 160k in Germany in 1939 and 130k of those were SERVING IN THE GERMAN ARMY. Jews were emigrating from Europe in droves in the 1930's.
Schooled in the 79s and 80s and NEVER heard any of those myths-- i heard lampshades of human skin, but history teachers said no proof found, prolly folklore- that other shit? Rollercoasters of death? Babies being bayonetted? NEVER HEARD EVER BEFORE
I was told about the lampshades, the tortures of mengele on twins and the freezing experiments, about Belsen which the Brit army liberated and there were quite a few lurid paperbacks about back then detailing the horrors of the camps.
There was a series on the BBC about WW2, everyone watched it. "The World At War" This mentioned the holocaust quite a few times. I hope this helps.
Home of Jimmy Saville and UK Propaganda
Not just lampshades but book covers. Ashtrays and fruit bowls made of hip bones.
I was told the stories by my parents. When family friends visited I listened as they talked about their experiences too. A confirmation.
Yeah, and Stalin didn't murder 20 million, Mao didn't murder 40 million, the Japanese didn't brutally kill all those Chinese, Pol Pot was a nice guy.
no comment on the Holohoax? that's what he's talking about in the OP..
Mao came to power in 1949
Pol Pot came to power in 1975
lol You don't even have a grasp of History's uncontested facts
Hey, I agreed with him! Kek