Here is a redpill .. Genesis 1..29 the Maker of the heavens and the earth gave both humans and animals plants, greens, fruits, seeds nuts etc as their best food and medicine and pronounced it GOOD.
This same superior entity also said He is the beginning and the end- and His hand is evident-- so Creation will be corrected to be like how it was made in the beginning- the lion and the lamb and the human baby playing together and all eat plants.
Yes the world is now corrupted and animals and humans are brutal, but is that a good way to be... if your neighbor is not innocent, is it ok to kill him lol. Or if he is a a serial killer, does that make it ok for you to be. You have given a bad analogy. It is not that they are all innocent or not- it is that you [arguably?] have superior intelligence, tools and means, and morally should not take advantage of that fact to hurt others.
Many humans raise cattle or whatever and get them to trust and look forward to seeing their human keepers then betray their trust. Animals may not be at the level of humans but they have feelings and families much like humans do. They are greatly distressed and scream in the slaughter house. This is why cattle farmers and dairy farmers often quit the business- because it feels immoral plus leads to health issues and shortened lives. It just isnt a good or ethical presentation.
Survival is not and will not be about choosing animals over humans. I will tell you what will happen. All the animal eaters are going to eat all the animals and deplete the oceans very very quickly then start looking at humans. Rabid dog eat rabid dog is a phrase that comes to mind. Those who eat of the plant kingdom will be healthier, and not deranged jones-ing for bloody flesh. Spiritual abstainers and vegans have conquered that addiction and mental attachment already and can concentrate on security and growing food that meat eaters dont really want til that is all there is to eat. Many will be wasting time hunting and challenged by their addictions and killing each other off. When human predators come looking at my spread, my guns and my faith in the Maker of the heavens and the earth will be ready to defend- which is perfectly permissible under Natural Law.
I dont know why some people act like food is mutually exclusive and plant foods are only the purview of vegans- like people werent primarily raised on veges, fruits, greens, beans potatoes rice etc- there are five food groups and animal flesh is only PART of one group. Plants-herbs are even used to make animal flesh palatable. There are millions of vegetarians in the world, millions.
Tell me, would you ever stretch out your hand to help what you denigrate as a naive person or a vegan, or just revel in your brutality which mirrors the messed up violent world that is now moving towards a correction by the providence and hand of our Maker?
Here is a redpill .. Genesis 1..29 the Maker of the heavens and the earth gave both humans and animals plants, greens, fruits, seeds nuts etc as their best food and medicine and pronounced it GOOD.
This same superior entity also said He is the beginning and the end- and His hand is evident-- so Creation will be corrected to be like how it was made in the beginning- the lion and the lamb and the human baby playing together and all eat plants.
Yes the world is now corrupted and animals and humans are brutal, but is that a good way to be... if your neighbor is not innocent, is it ok to kill him lol. Or if he is a a serial killer, does that make it ok for you to be. You have given a bad analogy. It is not that they are all innocent or not- it is that you [arguably?] have superior intelligence, tools and means, and morally should not take advantage of that fact to hurt others.
Many humans raise cattle or whatever and get them to trust and look forward to seeing their human keepers then betray their trust. Animals may not be at the level of humans but they have feelings and families much like humans do. They are greatly distressed and scream in the slaughter house. This is why cattle farmers and dairy farmers often quit the business- because it feels immoral plus leads to health issues and shortened lives. It just isnt a good or ethical presentation.
Survival is not and will not be about choosing animals over humans. I will tell you what will happen. All the animal eaters are going to eat all the animals and deplete the oceans very very quickly then start looking at humans. Rabid dog eat rabid dog is a phrase that comes to mind. Those who eat of the plant kingdom will be healthier, and not deranged jones-ing for bloody flesh. Spiritual abstainers and vegans have conquered that addiction and mental attachment already and can concentrate on security and growing food that meat eaters dont really want til that is all there is to eat. Many will be wasting time hunting and challenged by their addictions and killing each other off. When human predators come looking at my spread, my guns and my faith in the Maker of the heavens and the earth will be ready to defend- which is perfectly permissible under Natural Law.
I dont know why some people act like food is mutually exclusive and plant foods are only the purview of vegans- like people werent primarily raised on veges, fruits, greens, beans potatoes rice etc- there are five food groups and animal flesh is only PART of one group. Plants-herbs are even used to make animal flesh palatable. There are millions of vegetarians in the world, millions.
Tell me, would you ever stretch out your hand to help what you denigrate as a naive person or a vegan, or just revel in your brutality which mirrors the messed up violent world that is now moving towards a correction by the providence and hand of our Maker?