Ab. Vigano (2021), Our Lady in Civitavecchia: “The main message is that they want to destroy the family. And then the apostasy in the Church and the risk of a third world war;" WW3 can be stopped with “love, prayers, humility, the Rosary and true conversion of your hearts to God"
Rome only converted to Christianity in order to turn it into a limited hangout, this is common knowledge. It really is a shitty institution with shitty governance, and much better systems of law are now in place that are more closley aligned with God (the US constitution for one). No one believes that a pope is Gods conduit on earth anymore. The church is an interesting historical relic, but nothing more.
Rome converted to Christianity (Catholicism) due to the battle at the Milvan Bridge, you are entirely wrong on your history.
The Church is more than a relic, the Church embodies what Jesus left for us and it’s Truth survives until this very day and still thriving. We may have been infiltrated but that does not take away from the authority of our doctrine and what Jesus established. Tell me, what other Christian church was established after Jesus’s resurrection?
Basically what you are saying is that, what Jesus left behind for us was not good enough so man could make it better over time. There is no way I will ever leave my home, I have seen what else is around and nothing compares to the Church.
How is it Church worship when the entire Church centers around Jesus?
I know exactly what I am saying, we have been entrusted with the Truth, I don't care that if offends you.