For all the haters and deniers. Q told us we are not alone. Read the post yourself and see.
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I don't doubt some people have seen what they thought were ETs. I also don't doubt some people have seen what they thought were ghosts. I also don't doubt the Bible. So I think these sightings are angels or fallen angels making themselves visible. Earth is God's main concern. Why do I think so? Because he sent his son here. I don't think there are other life forms.
I also think the Earth is flat, the planets are wandering stars, and we never went to the moon. There, I said it.
And you started off so good….
Bible says planets are wandering stars. They show up various places. Other stars are "fixed." The Pole Star stays dead center, because it is the center. Constellations rotate around Polaris with the seasons, but keep their places. Ever wonder why we hurtle through space (allegedly) 365 days a year, but the sky stays virtually the same? How in the world did God keep the sun in the sky so the Israelites could keep fighting? Did God stop the Earth's rotation for a day? Nope. But he kept the sun in the sky. How did he do that? Why does sea level always appear level? Why doesn't it look curved? Why does Greta Thunberg think we should get rid of carbon dioxide? Did she skip elementary school science class? Does she have a death wish?
Moon landings were fakery when we were still very naive. Wonder why there are no more moon landings? Because you can't go there, and perhaps now it is too difficult to fake? Moon rocks were tested and found to be from Antarctica. They say Stanley Kubrick shot all the moon landing footage in a studio. The astronauts were all Freemasons. I went to the astro"not" museum in Florida. Oh man, it was so fake looking. After I saw those cheap looking Hollywood props, I was sure we never went there.
Did you know the Bible says there is a firmament [which covers the flat Earth]? You cannot "crack" the firmament open and escape. There are rumors that it has been tried. Did you know all the ancients drew maps of a flat Earth? Did you know the UN map is of a flat Earth? What do they know they are not telling us?
Did you know nobody can go to Antarctica or fly over Antarctica or even get near to Antarctica without special permission? They will chase you away.
In some flat Earth maps, you don't see a continent of Antarctica. You see a ring of ice around the circle of the Earth. It is like a shelf or a wall. Hm-mm. Could that have something to do with why you are not allowed to go there?