posted ago by Dumbass101 ago by Dumbass101 +25 / -0


They tried to tell us.


"How many historic events have only the two of us witnessed together?

How often did we make or change history?

And our names can never grace any pages of record.

No monument will ever bear our image.

And yet once again, tonight, the course of human history will be set by two unknown men, standing in the shadows."


From The X-Files, "Musings of a Cigarette-Smoking Man."

Season 4, Episode 7. Airdate November, 17 1996. U.S. Viewers, 17.09 Million.

Worth mentioning, I believe I spotted a significant 9/11 reference on a publishing company letterhead in a letter to the smoking man.


The above quoted exchange is just one example of many in this series, and in particular this episode, that demonstrate what we are up against in our current situation.

Unelected, powerful people taking away your freedom by deciding things for you.

It has been quite a revealing journey to watch these episodes now, during these very deep-state times, with the benefit of hindsight, knowing what we know today.

Many tiny details that went past quickly at the time we now accept as common knowledge, at least to us.

If you're going to binge, it's worth the time.

But what do I know..? I'm just a dumbass.

[°;°] Derp


Thank you to the X-Files cast, crew and creators for trying to put "truth" out there.

And thank you to my local library.
