posted ago by XlntOldBowler ago by XlntOldBowler +32 / -0

Slavers do not care about race, sex or any other label. They care about profit. You know like the "Ferengi". The buyers might decide to choose any of those things. The reason children and women are preferred differ from the reasons a man would be preferred. Slavers probably like the profit margins and ease of control of their "stock" with children best. I suspect the price of kids would be higher as would "attractive" women as opposed to other designations. Males would be the logical choice for worker slaves to the ends of the buyers.

The fact that more people are enslaved now than at anytime in history since the ends of so many monarchies is what I find most ironic to today's race hustlers. Look for those numbers and tell me again why anyone alive today deserves reparations before all these current slaves are freed. The same people are probably behind the procuring, transporting, selling and buying as have always done so. They have never stopped believing that most of us are mere chattel to be used up as they see fit.