Did not 'originate' could be actually half right. The rabbit hole goes deep on this one. UFOs are definitely man made, but when you conjure up spirits such as the Nazis did, then anything can happen. The Nazis supposedly got info from an alien species through an occult group that was in contact with them. I think it is demons. If not that, then the Nazis got the tech all by their lonesome selves without any outside help from a spiritual force.
The US Government brought all those Nazi scientists over after WWII, and they put them to work.
Remember the government secret tech is always 20-30 years maybe more than what the public is aware of.
Did not 'originate' could be actually half right. The rabbit hole goes deep on this one. UFOs are definitely man made, but when you conjure up spirits such as the Nazis did, then anything can happen. The Nazis supposedly got info from an alien species through an occult group that was in contact with them. I think it is demons. If not that, then the Nazis got the tech all by their lonesome selves without any outside help from a spiritual force.
The US Government brought all those Nazi scientists over after WWII, and they put them to work.
Remember the government secret tech is always 20-30 years maybe more than what the public is aware of.