A Busch owns most of the beer labels that are on the shelves , Modela sales skyrocketed during the whole bud light drama , sad thing is AB owns Modela . There’s more to this whole one can of beer with the idiot dudes photo on it then we realize ! A
100”s of Americans lost there jobs, the dust will clear AB will market a new beer they will reload the plants with illegals and all will be forgotten !?
I like your reasoning …. I pray for that ,, not sure how he could ever pull it off or if he would , but wouldn’t that be a blessing ! What happened to that queer insane dude onboard light can , was wondering about Bruce Jenner haven’t heard from that dude for a while
Correct, this is exactly what the meat packing industry did. I know in Maryland, Tyson laid off a bunch of people like 5 or 6 years ago , and then replaced them with low cost foreign workers. The plant got raided and like 90% were illegals, shat a shock.
Sad thing is Americans lost their jobs , almost like it was a plan !! They will rehire illegals who get papers once the dust clears
I don't think they can rise again. Many of these corps will be gone.
A Busch owns most of the beer labels that are on the shelves , Modela sales skyrocketed during the whole bud light drama , sad thing is AB owns Modela . There’s more to this whole one can of beer with the idiot dudes photo on it then we realize ! A 100”s of Americans lost there jobs, the dust will clear AB will market a new beer they will reload the plants with illegals and all will be forgotten !?
At the very least we've shown how even the #1 seed can be knocked down, even after decades of reign
Not unless Trump win and illegal aliens get send back.
I like your reasoning …. I pray for that ,, not sure how he could ever pull it off or if he would , but wouldn’t that be a blessing ! What happened to that queer insane dude onboard light can , was wondering about Bruce Jenner haven’t heard from that dude for a while
Correct, this is exactly what the meat packing industry did. I know in Maryland, Tyson laid off a bunch of people like 5 or 6 years ago , and then replaced them with low cost foreign workers. The plant got raided and like 90% were illegals, shat a shock.