I called it before the movie was shown. I did not expect any Democrat to show. They are an uncaring, self-serving bunch lead by the nose by the Deep State. They represent all that is corrupt, self-serving and hateful towards the U.S. and it’s citizens. Their goal is to destroy America and the Constitution via violence, depopulation (through abortion, drugs, trafficking), demands of submission to ultimate government control of forced shot mandates, digital currency controlling all purchases, 15 minute cities/lockdowns, forced unhealthy lab created meat products-after destruction of the small, independent farmer, and the take over of big Agro by foreign entities, EV purchase and use only, destruction of all natural gas products-stoves, furnaces, hot water heaters, generators, lawn mowers. This country needs an entire clean out and destruction of our government agencies including the following: FDA, CDC, NIH, HHS, DOE, Dept. of Education, DHS, FBI, DOJ, IRS, SEC, Congress, etc. Defund and where appropriate downsize and place under stricter control those agencies deemed helpful. Populous need to vote in term limits and easier to fire or recall those in government agencies. More control needs to be enacted by return of the majority of governmental functions to the states. Those who refuse to acknowledge trafficking are in on it and part of the problem. Remember: You reap, what you sow..
I called it before the movie was shown. I did not expect any Democrat to show. They are an uncaring, self-serving bunch lead by the nose by the Deep State. They represent all that is corrupt, self-serving and hateful towards the U.S. and it’s citizens. Their goal is to destroy America and the Constitution via violence, depopulation (through abortion, drugs, trafficking), demands of submission to ultimate government control of forced shot mandates, digital currency controlling all purchases, 15 minute cities/lockdowns, forced unhealthy lab created meat products-after destruction of the small, independent farmer, and the take over of big Agro by foreign entities, EV purchase and use only, destruction of all natural gas products-stoves, furnaces, hot water heaters, generators, lawn mowers. This country needs an entire clean out and destruction of our government agencies including the following: FDA, CDC, NIH, HHS, DOE, Dept. of Education, DHS, FBI, DOJ, IRS, SEC, Congress, etc. Defund and where appropriate downsize and place under stricter control those agencies deemed helpful. Populous need to vote in term limits and easier to fire or recall those in government agencies. More control needs to be enacted by return of the majority of governmental functions to the states. Those who refuse to acknowledge trafficking are in on it and part of the problem. Remember: You reap, what you sow..