Although Obama may be the epitome of this diabolical plan, he certainly wasnt the epicenter of it. This has been in motion for a long time in many nations around the world.
word salad - if you are trying to say he was just one participant, that is a nothing statement. He was key and a willing and pro-active operative in many plans and actions. For example, he personally gathered young black men and women up to his Obum Foundation, and the Acorn groups before that and personally mentored and incited them to organize and join in violent oops I mean mostly peaceful burning, property destruction, beating people, oops again, I mean protesting.
If you some how think that calling Obama the epitome of a diabolical plan is being an Obama sympathizer you are off in la la land. Maybe you need to research the dictionary.. Stop giving him so much credit, he's just another foot soldier of a longer running plan.
epitome of a diabolical plan>
is, again word salad, sorry. You are making excuses for him along the lines of he is just doing someone elses bidding. Sure-let him off if you want to. Imo there is no excuse for him or any of the others you would diminish as ... foot soldiers.
Its not an excuse at all, but if you think the bottom of the swamp stops at Obama you're clearly either new to the awakening of you're trying to obscure the other higher players in the game. Calling him an epitome(A representative or perfect example of a class or type.) is not word salad, its the truth.
Bahaha Arab spring, Libyan war, Syria, UKRAINE regime change 2014, antifa and blm organizing and inciting. His warmongering against innocent populations was MASSIVE and world-wide. You are either wilfully ill informed (bet you did not read the article or much of anything else factual about his time in office or after) or have obama-blindness-apologism. Bet you think he was just a shy kid from the wrong side of the tracks in Hawaii just as was fed to you. That bible verse about strong delusion comes to mind.
Do the research.
Although Obama may be the epitome of this diabolical plan, he certainly wasnt the epicenter of it. This has been in motion for a long time in many nations around the world.
word salad - if you are trying to say he was just one participant, that is a nothing statement. He was key and a willing and pro-active operative in many plans and actions. For example, he personally gathered young black men and women up to his Obum Foundation, and the Acorn groups before that and personally mentored and incited them to organize and join in violent oops I mean mostly peaceful burning, property destruction, beating people, oops again, I mean protesting.
If you some how think that calling Obama the epitome of a diabolical plan is being an Obama sympathizer you are off in la la land. Maybe you need to research the dictionary.. Stop giving him so much credit, he's just another foot soldier of a longer running plan.
Its not an excuse at all, but if you think the bottom of the swamp stops at Obama you're clearly either new to the awakening of you're trying to obscure the other higher players in the game. Calling him an epitome(A representative or perfect example of a class or type.) is not word salad, its the truth.
Bahaha Arab spring, Libyan war, Syria, UKRAINE regime change 2014, antifa and blm organizing and inciting. His warmongering against innocent populations was MASSIVE and world-wide. You are either wilfully ill informed (bet you did not read the article or much of anything else factual about his time in office or after) or have obama-blindness-apologism. Bet you think he was just a shy kid from the wrong side of the tracks in Hawaii just as was fed to you. That bible verse about strong delusion comes to mind. Do the research.
Dumb response, and one not worth engaging in further.
good, take a hike !